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The Grand Spiderweb Poll: Demographics & Favorites

Mea Tulpa

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This has been a...i should probably go with interesting... discussion. I must say that the cis/trans issue bothers way too many people, and I think the only way it could bother you is if you ARE trans/cis, so i think there are many a transgender on spiderweb software, so i take this moment to exit before people unleash there Avernum/Geneforge characters on me and run back to Avadon to hide. Running...now! cya!

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It may also bother you if anybody you know is transgender. If you live long enough, the chances of this happening are not that small. There is no reason to run, though. If you find the idea of transgendered people disturbing, I can advise you that the most disturbing thing about actually meeting one will probably be that it isn't disturbing at all. Discovering that does tend to shake some assumptions, but so what? Live and learn.


In any case it makes no difference at all on this board. Anyone interested in Spiderweb games is welcome here, as long as they don't start trying to make other people feel unwelcome.

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Answer tuples will not be published.

You will have to deal with me (and only me) having access to your string of answers. The reality is that I am only interested in looking at the aggregate and at cross-referencing trends, not picking out individual users, which is not very interesting. I thought about printing a disclaimer explaining this, but decided that the survey doesn't really ask anything sensitive enough for people to care.
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Originally Posted By: JamesMighty
I must say that the cis/trans issue bothers way too many people, and I think the only way it could bother you is if you ARE trans/cis

To clarify, transgender is generally taken to mean having a gender (how you feel you are and how you present yourself, very roughly) opposite your sex (being male or female at birth, although this isn't always clear-cut either). Cisgender is just the opposite; trans is Latin for across, and cis is Latin for on the same side. Most people are cisgender. You probably are, unless I'm misjudging.

—Alorael, who is not only cisgendered, he's also levorotatorily gendered.
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We have received our 50th survey response! HOORJ! More responses are still welcome -- share your opinions with the community!


I will be publishing the aggregate data, some correlations, and some analysis, a bit at a time. However, this will require "cutting off" the survey results at a certain point -- I need to get them into Excel and convert some of Google Docs' more questionable formatting choices into something I can do math with and make charts with. And I don't want to repeat the process as new results trickle in.


My plan was to do that Monday night, to give non-weekend folks a chance ot respond. However, I have plans then, so more likely I will close the data set, and probably publish the first set of data, on Tuesday.

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