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Is there any interest in having an online chess tournament thingy here on SW? I know a couple of people have been all like yeah, and I took the liberty of setting up a web-based interface and rating system.


So if anyone would be interested in doing this or something, say so I guess.

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Okay. Well based on the turnout, prolly not enough for a super-duper tournament, but if anyone ever wants to play, message me either in this topic or over in the Calref chat or something.


Chess server: http://chess.calref.net

Rankings: http://chess.calref.net/ratings (updated manually by me--tell me the results and I'll add them)

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Originally Posted By: uǝʍoɹ
Chess is fun but I haven't played it daily since I was in the chess club back in high school. So please go easy on me as I can bet I can only see one or two moves ahead anymore if I'm lucky.
Whitehall doesn't have chess club. We have precalc. I have no idea how to do any math in that class but hey, checkmate and stuff.

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Originally Posted By: uǝʍoɹ
Chess is fun but I haven't played it daily since I was in the chess club back in high school.
My high school didn't have a chess club, per se, just a handful of students (myself included) who liked to play chess. We would get a pass to get out of study hall, and play chess in the library (where the board was kept) for about half an hour.
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Originally Posted By: uǝʍoɹ
Chess is fun but I haven't played it daily since I was in the chess club back in high school. So please go easy on me as I can bet I can only see one or two moves ahead anymore if I'm lucky.

Until a couple days ago when I got my ass kicked by Sylae three times, I hadn't played chess in years. And even then, I've only played it...probably in the single digits number of times.

Oh, and it's your move.
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Obligatory check-up on this, also yay current ratings:


Name              Rating  Delta  Games DANTIUS             1500   +200      1SYLAE               1183   +133      5ROWEN               1093   -221      3ADOS                 900   -250      1IFFY                 796   +118      4ARANCAYTAR           750      0      0DERPETTE MCDERP (?)  750      0      0


Again, feel free to come on over and play a game or two. I'll accept any challenges sent my way

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  • 3 months later...

Dantius got drunk and came on CalRef to play chess. Two things of note:


1) He apparently has motor skill problems when inebriated, because he tried to make an illegal move like five times.


2) He resigned the first game just as I was bringing my hoof down upon his weakling strategy. Second game is in progress.

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If you want to do some serious horsing around, you should take the Knights Tour.


Learning how to use these pieces well will give you an edge in the middle game.


I would not like to be rooked by this Rook. On the chessboard, rooks work best in pairs. (Especially after you have swapped queens, bwah ha ha.)

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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
If you want to do some serious horsing around, you should take the Knights Tour.

Learning how to use these pieces well will give you an edge in the middle game.

Yeah, I've heard knights are really useful and deadly pieces. On chess games, I value my knights like bishops and rooks...
Here's one tip on starting the game...
Click to reveal.. (Beginning)
You must capture the four middle pieces, as long as there are no threatening pawns or enemies

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Originally Posted By: Mod.
Ruined my 3 move checkmate plan already.

Awesome game dude. You were better than my cousin lolz grin Anyway, I had to admit it, congratz!
Hey, Sylae! Mod. Won. (Obviously not racism) I'm white, he's black
1. c2-c3 d7-d5 2. d2-d4 Ng8-f6 3. Bc1-f4 e7-e6 4. Bf4xc7 Qd8xc7 5. Nb1-d2 h7-h5 6. Nd2-f3 Rh8-h6 7. Ke1-d2 Nf6-g4 8. Qd1-e1 Rh6-f6 9. Kd2-d3 Nb8-c6 10. Qe1-d2 Ng4xf2+ 11. Kd3-e3 Nf2xh1 12. Ke3-d3 g7-g5 13. Qd2xg5 Nh1-f2+ 14. Kd3-e3 Nf2-g4+ 15. Ke3-d2 Rf6-g6 16. Qg5-h4 Qc7-f4+ 17. Kd2-d3 Qf4-f5+ 18. Kd3-d2 a7-a5 19. Kd2-e1 Qf5-c2 20. Qh4xh5 Qc2xb2 21. e2-e3 Qb2xa1+ 22. Ke1-d2 Qa1xf1 23. Ng1-e2 Qf1xg2 24. Nf3-g5 Bf8-e7 25. Qh5-h8+ Ke8-d7 26. Ng5xf7 Ng4-f6 27. Kd2-d3 Rg6-g8 28. Ne2-f4 Qg2-g1 29. Nf4-e2 Qg1-a1 30. Qh8xg8 Nf6xg8 31. Ne2-f4 Qa1-d1+
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Click to reveal..
[Event "WebChess Board #25"]
[site "WebChess"]
[Date "2012-08-11 23:32:25"]
[Round "-"]
[White "Corell, Sylae"]
[black "mod, mod"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 Bg4 4. dxe5 Nc6 5. exd6 cxd6 6. h3 Bh5 7. Nc3 g5 8. g4
Bg6 9. Bxg5 Qd7 10. Bc4 f6 11. Be3 h5 12. g5 fxg5 13. Nxg5 Nf6 14. f4 Nb4 15. f5
Bh7 16. Bf7+ Kd8 17. Be6 Qe8 18. Nf7+ Ke7 19. Qxd6# 1-0
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I have known of the fifty move rule, and yes it applies only under the circumstances you described.


One note on en passant: you get only one chance to play that move. Your own pawn must on the fifth row (from your perspective) and the opposing pawn must have moved two spaces thus passing through the square where you would otherwise have attacked it. If you do not capture that pawn on your very next move, en passant does not apply. If on the other hand, if the opposing pawn moves one square, and on his next move advances one more square, en passant does not apply here either.


A note about castling. When castling King side, the king ends up on the knight square. When castling Queen side, he ends up on the bishop square. Also, if either the king or the castle have been moved, even if they are moved back to their original square, castling is not permitted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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