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Question about town encounters


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I am placing a monster in town and making it a part of an encounter group so that the monster spawns when the encounter is called. After the monster is killed, is there any way to make it spawn again? Calling the encounter a second time does not work. I have tried this with out flags, and with flags then resetting them to zero. Nothing seems to make the monster spawn a second time. I need a special to be called when the monster dies, so the "place monster" special will not work for this, I don't think.


Is there anyway to call the encounter over and over again?

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How can you set "death calls scenario special" on a "place monster" monster?


I have this idea. I can PLACE MONSTER and the monster will drop a worthless item on death. The monster is constricted to a certain area totaling 13 spaces. When the monster is placed it will also start a timer that will periodically check those 13 spaces for the item with ITEM CLASS ON SPACE +TAKE. This may work if there is no way to set a DEATH CALLS SCENARIO SPECIAL on a placed monster.


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Originally Posted By: Falcon
How can you set "death calls scenario special" on a "place monster" monster?

It's been awhile, and I don't have access to BoE this very moment, but I believe Lilith is saying that you'll have two definitions of the monster. One is the pre-dead one, that will call a special to 'place monster'. This places monster will be the second/undead/whatever version, and iirc there's a thing in the monster definition dialog to set a scen special to be called on death.

Or, barring that, is there a 'move monster'? If there is, you could totally just wall the second monster in a 1x1 room somewhere and then move him to the correct location.
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Not sure what iirc means. I need to be able to recall the monster an infinite number of times and I need there to be a special called every time it dies. The item drop would work if it were a 100% drop. However, if 100 is really 95 then I need something more solid (and 100 = 95 is a very poor design on spiderweb's part).

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I.I.R.C. = If I Remember Correctly.


If you bring up the window for a particular Monster, you should notice that there ways to set parameters for that Monster.

The Main Window gives you the opportunity to set the conventional parameters for that Monster. On the bottom of that window is a 'select' tab titled, "Edit Abilities"; choose that.

This next Window that comes up gives you the opportunity to set other parameters for that Monster. One of the parameters is titled, "create monster/fields". If you select this, you'll have several selections, one of which is titled, "death triggers scenario special". If you choose this option, you can choose a "Global" Scenario Node to be called upon the death of this particular Monster. What it does is your choice.


If you select "Edit Items", (NOT "Edit Special Items"), you'll see that one of the parameters is titled, "Special Class 1-100". This gives you the ability to "Tag" any Item, or number of items with a numeric "Tag" from 1 to 100.


Call any Unused Node and you have six groups of options for that Node. Under the "One-Shot" Title, one of the options is, "Have Item with Class?".


You can give each or all item(s) a "Class Number" and use this Option to identify whether the Party, or whomsoever, has any or all of them and if so, or not, call the Monster. If/when the Monster dies you can call a "Global" Scenario Node to perform which ever function you want/need to. And... you can use a Node, (Flag), to identify the status of events to call or not call the Monster.

I'm not much of a programmer, but I think (hope) I've explained, albeit over-explained, several options to call, or not, the Items and or the Monster.


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Originally Posted By: Falcon
Not sure what iirc means. I need to be able to recall the monster an infinite number of times and I need there to be a special called every time it dies. The item drop would work if it were a 100% drop. However, if 100 is really 95 then I need something more solid (and 100 = 95 is a very poor design on spiderweb's part).

As I recall, the not-100%-drop-chance thing is an off-by-one bug. If you set the drop chance to 101, it really will be 100%. It might have been fixed in the latest open-source version anyway; I'm not sure.
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