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Spell levels

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How much better is a given spell on level 2 vs 1, 3 vs 2? I see that with some spells one gets bonus effects, but what about general effectiveness? Is there any formula for this? Is it always worth to spend the money to train for the higher level? Seems that healing and resurrection work just fine on their lowest level, right?

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Specifically talking about healing, at level 3 you get a chance that the healed character will also get a regeneration effect for several turns, which means that the heal keeps on healing. For summons, the creatures get bonus effects when summoned based on the level you have in the spell, and it raises the creature's level.


Not every spell needs to be maximized, of course, especially ones that you don't use much.

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A number of the level 3 bonus effects are quite nice. Off the top of my head, healing gives you regeneration, haste gives you a chance of battle frenzy, protection gives you a chance of spine shield (or maybe it's war blessing that does that, I can't remember), fireball gives a chance of also also hitting an adjacent target, etc.

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Partial list of bonuses with higher levels and the skill level needed to use the spell.



skill spell

1 bolt of fire (fire 9-17 damage)

level 2 -- 30% chance of also hitting nearby target

1 call beast (summon beast for 10 turns)

level 2 -- war chant 7 turns

level 3 -- hasted 5 turns

2 cloak of curses (make group's attack a chance of random curse on target)

2 daze (daze area for 3 turns)

2nd level -- ensnared for 3 turns

3rd level -- stunned for 1 turn

3 haste (nearby allies have chance of extra attacks for 3 turns)

3rd level -- battle frenzy for 2 turns (30%)

4 slow (nearby enemies have chance of losing turn)

5 icy rain (cold area effect 18-24 damage)

2nd level -- add 15%. bonus

3rd level -- immobile for 3 turns (40%)

6 spray acid (acid 8-11 damage for 3 turns)

6 cloak of bolts (group's missile weapons do more damage)

7 minor summon (summon monster for 10 turns)

8 lightning spray (cone energy 8-17 damage)

3rd level -- weakness curse for 3 turns (40%)

9 blink (ensnare foes for 2 turns and teleport to target nearby space)

10 cloak of blades (groups's melee attacks do more damage)

11 dispel barrier (removes nearby magical barriers)

12 summon aid (summons powerful monster for 10 turns)

13 howl of terror (terrifies nearby foes for 3 turns)

2nd level -- war curse nearby foes for 4 turns

14 fireblast (fire area effect 28-40 damage)

15 arcane summon (summons dangerous monster for 10 turns)

2nd level -- war chant for 9 turns

16 cloak of the arcane (group's spells do more damage)

17 arcane blow (energy cone 23-38 damage)

2nd level -- war curse for 3 turns

3rd level -- daze for 2 turns



skill spell

1 minor heal (heal 11-18)

2nd level -- add 10% bonus

3rd level - regenerate for 3 turns

1 curing (1 hostile effect)

2nd level - cure 1 hostile effect extra

3rd level -- cure 1 hostile effect extra

1 smite (cold 14-22 damage)

3rd level - war curse for 2 turns (30%)

2 protection (shield chant 4 turns) - +2% to evasion

2nd level add 20. bonus

3rd level - regenerating for 2 turns (50%)

3 war blessing (war chant 4 turns) - +2% to hit

2nd level -- add 20% bonus

3rd level -- spine shield for 2 turns (50%)

4 call the storm (cold cone 3-9, weakness for 3 turns 40% chance)

3rd level -- weakness curse for 3 turns (40%)

5 summon shade (greater shade 10 turns)

2nd level -- shield chant 9 turns

3rd level -- spine shield for 5 turns

5 ward of thoughts (mental resistance)

6 unshackle mind (cures 1 hostile mental effect)

2nd level -- cures 1 hostile mental effect extra

7 heal (heal 21-32)

8 mass healing (heal nearby allies 16-20)

3rd level -- regenerating for 2 turns (50%)

8 mass curing (cures nearby allies 1 hostile effect)

2nd level -- cures 1 hostile effect extra

9 ward of steel (group resistance to physical attacks and acid)

10 divine fire (fire area effect 33-42 damage)

2nd level - add 20% bonus

3rd level - add 20% bonus

11 domination (charmed for 3 turns)

12 ward of elements (group resistance to magical attacks)

13 return life (revives fallen party member)

15 divine retribution (area near caster physical 23-38 damage)

3rd level - slow for 3 turns (

16 divine restoration (nearby allies are heal 41-52, cures or reduces hostile eff.)

17 divine host (summons divine shade for 10 turns)


extra levels of spells adds 1 level of damage

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