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Ryozo - What now? (spoilers)


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So, I read several other threads:

Ryozo Papers

Ryozo's papers

Commander Ryozo (may spoil)


...but my situation is slightly different.


I didn't find out the purpose of Ryozo's visit to the dragon before finding the wayfarer the second time.

The wayfarer told me someone else found out the info.

The wayfarer told me Ryozo was a traitor (suspicious claim from the start), and where to find the incriminating evidence (yea, like *that's* not suspicious *rolls-eyes*)

I found the "evidence", and talked to Ryozo, telling him I thought the papers were faked.

I then broke into the records room (somewhat late) and found the purpose of his visit, confirming my theory that he's innocent.


My problem:

Ryozo wont talk to me, claiming I'm falsely accusing him. (Kinda ignorant, I'm *warning* him, the jerk. That's why I told him I thought the papers were fake!)


Watcher Harisa gives me the option to either:

1) Give her the papers, and have him hauled off for investigation, or even execution without investigation.

2) Destroy the fake evidence.


If I destroy the fake evidence, Harisa is just confused, and Ryozo still wont talk to me, claiming I'm falsely accusing him!


So, forget the wayfarer, Ryozo is innocent! He is loyal to the cause of Avadon - and as the cause of Avadon is my cause, he's loyal to me.


What do I need to do to prove his innocence? If I do nothing, I'd guess the next time I meet the wayfarer, he'll say "someone else took care of it", meaning Ryozo's arrest. Not an option.


Help me justify this man's dragon visit, please. I don't care if I lose out on potential wayfarer rewards.

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Well you already lost out on the first reward for finding the reason for the visit. You now have a choice between turning in the fake evidence and getting a reward or doing nothing/destroy the evidence in which case nothing happens. This is one of the many morality quests in the game where you decide whether you are in it for the money, to help people, or support Avadon at all costs.


The Wayfarer will meet up with you again and again, but the jobs will be involving different people. Eventually you get a chance to kill him.

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