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How do you close doors?

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Yes, you are unable to close doors in this version of Avernum. I think it is utter (insert cursewords here) that doors can't close. I'm more angry about it than I thought I'd be . . .but wtf jeff, chests have a opening and closing animations. Cater to us the gamers instead of the ipad. . . please? Or maybe make two versions. . . one for ipad where doors can't close and one for EVERYONE ELSE, where they can. Just a thought.


Please don't get the impression that I'm not having fun with it, cause I am. . . but *sigh* doors. must. close.

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Originally Posted By: ProperPseudonym
Yes, you are unable to close doors in this version of Avernum. I think it is utter (insert cursewords here) that doors can't close.

Ditto -- While the consequence-free theft of earlier Avernums is completely unrealistic, it was fun and -- more importantly -- easily predictable. You could close a door and know whether or not theft was OK; if you wanted to take a chance, you could steal something in an open area. Now you have to figure out the rules of whether or not someone saw you stealing, and they're not always clear.
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Glad I saw the topic on this, because I was thinking of making one. Doors/containers have always been closable, so it confused the crap out of me when I couldn't figure out how to do it in this game. If the iPad is the issue, this could've been addressed with a simple "look/interact" button you need to press to open/close/look at objects in the game world. Such a button used to exist in Jeff's games, didn't it? Such a change is probably more substantial than what we would see in a revision, though.

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