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A:EftP - Spiral Pit

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So I can definitely attest that this map has changed. What am I missing?


I have tried every single combination of turning the two wheels (I have entered and exited this place 5 times now). I have pressed the switch in the alcove opened by the second wheel. And I still cannot find routes out of the central chamber.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
There shouldn't be any problem leaving the central chamber except a few undead on the way out. The two wheels have one that opens a path to a chest and the other opens vengeful shades and a path to that box using a hidden switch.

What I mean is that I cannot find how to get to the source of the evil.
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Okay getting in to the center involves finding one of two hidden switches along the long corridor east west corridor after things go dark. Then hug the east wall and there are two more hidden switches, one opens to a body with a piercing crystal and the other opens the way to the center.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Okay getting in to the center involves finding one of two hidden switches along the long corridor east west corridor after things go dark. Then hug the east wall and there are two more hidden switches, one opens to a body with a piercing crystal and the other opens the way to the center.

Okay, I find a long east/west corridor with two switches. Both switches open doors in the north wall that lead to the SAME maze. At the north end of the maze is a switch that leads to the piercing crystal body.

Where is the source of the undead?
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
The wheels only open a way to a chest. Take your time and look for hidden switches on the north corridor wall and east walls of the maze.

A chest is accessible with first wheel only, the wheel before to ender the dark.

But I haven't understood the purpose of the second wheel which is in the dark, nor the purpose of the button it reveal. Sure it changes the configuration but the only chest I found is the same already found with help of first wheel.

The only purpose I saw of second wheel is to trigger a fights so I suppose the reward is the XP. I quoted nothing else special, no second chest or something.
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