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A6 - "Look" functionality on Mac OS X


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I posted this earlier in the tech support forum, but thought I might get a more definitive response here. I apologize for the repeat post.


I am playing Avernum 6 on Mac OS X 10.5. When I previously played the game on Windows, I was able to "Look" at NPCs and other items in the game by right-clicking on them. For NPCs, it showed their attitude (friendly/neutral/hostile) and their current/max HP. However, I am unable to get the same functionality in the Mac version of the game -- right-click does nothing, and command-, option-, or shift-click (among other combinations) simply opens up the talk window, like just left-clicking would. The "L" key also doesn't seem to work, as it apparently did in some previous Avernum games. Can others playing the Mac version of the game please confirm that this is indeed the case, and it isn't my installation being broken?


Thanks in advance!

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Originally Posted By: Improbable Causality
Not quite any, but most.

—Alorael, who still treasures his Mac exclusives. Of course, the vast majority are shareware, and the vast majority are also impossible to run on modern operating systems.

Yeah, some games just require too much out of your system, sucks not being able to play games with awesome graphics.
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That's completely the opposite of the problem I'm pointing out. His computer has no problems at all with modern graphics, but it's a pain to have to get Basilisk II or SheepShaver running to games that require, say, Mac OS 7.


—Alorael, who has seen things getting better and better with the availability of Cider, the semi-illegal fan-Ciderizing, and things like Darwine/CrossOver. It's becoming easier and easier to play all those Windows games without Windows.

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