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A6 - The end

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Could it be the end? Or more importantly, should it?


"It's the genre flag-bearer for offering substance over flash, and it's an epic finale for a series that deserves respect."


That's the review blurb for A6, but should've been said about Geneforge 5. What should've been said about Avernum 4:


"It's an encore the fans can appreciate and still permit the series an honorable retirement."


What should've been said about Avernum 6:


"Why is Jeff still making these?"

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I disagree. A4 was a fine game for newcomers to the series, but for everyone who played A3 it was something of a letdown. The new engine was nice, but the rehashed plot was not exacting the best encore. A5 and A6 are both strong contenders for the best in series title. I think the game was a much more fitting finale than A4 and its need to existence shouldn't be impugned.


—Alorael, who would have been very upset if A4 ended the series. A5 could have worked, but A6 is a good send-up of the series. (And, of course, Jeff was still making these because they pay his bills.)

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Of A1-A5, A3 was my favorite. I actually have never beaten it fully, and I still think its the best. The only thing that could be desired is where the pack you carry does not count to your overall weight.


And Jeff is not still making these. A6 is the end. I think its a good time to start a new story, as we can't stay in the caves forever. I'm looking forward to the many upcoming adventures of Avadon.

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If Jeff didn't make these then he would have to leave his basement and get a real job to make money. smile


Right now Jeff is making a new game (series) and planning to upgrade his older games to run on newer computers. The remakes will take less effort since most of the material is already done. It's just rebalancing encounters for the new game engine and new spells.

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The second trilogy, as far as it goes, are still good games, thankfully using original material (as opposed to the first trilogy which was obviously just a remake of Exile). I don't think there was anything wrong with Jeff extending out the series like that, especially when, as has been pointed out, it does pay the bills. That said, I would feel that any more games in the Avernum series would just feel like beating the concept to death a bit too much. There are only so many times you can play out the concept of "vast underground cave system of oppressed people is overrun by monsters/random evil enemy" without it seeming samey.


That said, in terms of how Jeff structured the series, I have to wonder if it was intentional that in both second games of the two trilogies, it ended up with a far more linear plot-line than the rest (A2 less so-much, but still involving a fairly linear path down some rapids. >.>).

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Originally Posted By: Txgangsta
...as opposed to the first trilogy which was obviously just a remake of Exile.

Its supposed to be. The whole point of the first 3 avernum games were to be a better version of exile.

I know that - I was just clarifying that I meant in terms of it using new conceptual ideas, to be clear about it. I have been around here long enough to remember they were remakes. smile
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Originally Posted By: Rupert
That said, in terms of how Jeff structured the series, I have to wonder if it was intentional that in both second games of the two trilogies, it ended up with a far more linear plot-line than the rest (A2 less so-much, but still involving a fairly linear path down some rapids. >.>).

A4 was just about as linear as A5, really, and it was definitely more linear than A2. So, arguably, was A6.
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