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A6 - Haste not working with AoE spells


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No, and I don't believe anyone's caught that before (assuming it's true). Nice catch.


I would guess this is related to the fact that AoE spells used to not work with Magicial Efficiency, and presumably stems from the fact that they were added to the original combat system -- the precursor to the Avernum 4-6 engine, the Geneforge 3 engine, had no targetted area of effect spells.

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Multiple Icy Rains probably just result from Adrenaline Rush or Quicksilver items as opposed to Haste.


However, I could have sworn that I'd gotten multiple Icy Rains due to haste in A4 and A5. So if they worked fine off the AP-increase haste there, then why wouldn't they work in the new 35% chance AP increase system here? I suppose it's just a mystery...

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Of course you got multiple Icy Rains off of Haste in A4 and A5. In A4 and A5, Haste didn't interact with actions at all -- it only interacted with Action Points. Now Haste interacts with actions; when you make an action, it has a 33% chance of reducing the action point cost. But apparently the AoE attacks don't trigger that, just like they didn't trigger M. Eff., because something about how they are defined is different from other actions.

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I've noticed this as well. I just assumed that it was because AoE spells were harder to cast or some other game-logic. So when I need a chance to get two shots, I generally use lightning, acid, bolt of fire, or other targeted spell.


Now I find out it's a bug? And that I can get infinite Tinker's Crystals? So much wasted effort...

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No, fixing AoE/ME could have been done either on the AoE end or the ME end. If it was done on the ME end, it wouldn't fix AoE/Haste. Fixing it on the ME end would make more sense to me -- presumably if there's something different about how the action is defined, it's different for a reason.

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