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Just starting out....totally stumped.[G5]


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Ok, guess I'm an idiot.


I'm in the very first room, more or less.


I need to go into the storeroom and get a weapon.


I find a room, it has a cabinet...cloak and healing potion. I equip cloak, put healing potion in quickslot.


On the table is a sword, but can't pick it up or click on it or anything, and I've tried hard.


But, can't leave this area, every time I try to open the next door it keeps telling me to go into the storeroom and get a weapon.


But there's no weapon in there, I click on everything I can, but no weapons, no where, no how.

What's the trick?



So, how do I solve this ridiculously difficult quest?



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The Ninjas Doom, I'm afraid you were not the first member here with "Doom" in your name. I can think of at least two others that preceded you.

I'm also fairly sure that you used it or some variant thereof back when you were rotating you PDN's ala Alo.
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Originally Posted By: Undoomvahgaz Rifle
I have only had one PDN with "Doom" in it, it was the sixth of six words, and it wasn't in a sentence. Oh, and I think it was before you showed up on Spiderweb. So probably not me.

—Alorael, who concludes that it's time for a new doom name.

A self fulfilling prophecy. I'll count that as a victory!
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