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A6 - I absolutely love the stuff you can get by picking locks in Avernum!

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Originally Posted By: The Dirty Nephil
I refused to steal and give up that mirror. Am I the only one who despises the person, and his leader, that you give the mirror to? In fact, if you truly love the nation of Avernum, then put the mirror back.. or just keep it. Don't give it to them.

Why, does Gladwell want it for a quest? I don't recall him asking for it...
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Originally Posted By: The Dirty Nephil
I refused to steal and give up that mirror. Am I the only one who despises the person, and his leader, that you give the mirror to? In fact, if you truly love the nation of Avernum, then put the mirror back.. or just keep it. Don't give it to them.

Ah, just give it to them. You get xp and rewards. Then, later, when you've gotten everything you can from them, kill them all. Then they can't harm Avernum, and you can steal all of their stuff.
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Originally Posted By: Zxc The Great
Btw that reminds me, anywhere in the demo where you can buy piercing crystals quick and cheap?

No, the supply is very limited. That way, you think about which barriers to dispell and which to leave until later.

Synergy and Randomizer posted a list of all the items in the game, and they list which ones are behind barriers. It's a great help for figuring out which to use a piercing crystal on and which not to.
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Originally Posted By: Zxc The Great
Not even a code you enter in the Shift+D cheatcode menu can get you them?
Oh, yeah, you could do that. But if you're going to cheat, just use the character editor to teach you mage 8 levels of the Dispel Barrier spell and up his mage spell skills to enough to cast it (12 IIRC)
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Originally Posted By: Alexwood
What are the numbers for the items like item239 is like knowledge thing what are the rest is there a list its just cool to have anything at your finger tips haah

Just go into you a6itemschars.txt file and search for the item name, like, say, Bronze Broadsword. Then find the line immediately before the name, and it would say begindefineitemXXX, where XXX is the number of the item.

No one has written up a list of all the items to the best of my knowledge, although someone may have done it for A4 or A5.
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