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A6 - I feel like a Skribbane addict -- please help!


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So, I'm several days off of Avernum, and I'm jonesing for a fix. Pretty please could I get some advice on where/what to do next as far as Exile or Geneforge? I started with A4 and LOVED it. Went to A5 and HATED it. Finished with A6 and am happy again, if not twitchy for another game. I've also read the game engine from Geneforge is similar to A4-A6 ...


I'm not about replaying the same installment over again, so thanks but no thanks.


Many thanks!

MissSea laugh

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Originally Posted By: MissSea
So, I'm several days off of Avernum, and I'm jonesing for a fix. Pretty please could I get some advice on where/what to do next as far as Exile or Geneforge? I started with A4 and LOVED it. Went to A5 and HATED it. Finished with A6 and am happy again, if not twitchy for another game. I've also read the game engine from Geneforge is similar to A4-A6 ...

I'm not about replaying the same installment over again, so thanks but no thanks.

Many thanks!
MissSea laugh

Start the Geneforge series. The engine, the skills, and the gameplay are very similar- really the only adjustment you need to make is the (somewhat) smaller viewing window and the fact that out of combat mode, the game takes place in real time, so sometimes a "reaction time" is necessary.

They're great games, you should enjoy them.
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Thanks, Dantius ... I saw you online and hoped you'd post before signing off! smile


What do you mean, real time? I heard there was something in the previous Avernum installments with the Tower of Magi disaster and you needing to do something before that happened. Are you on a clock somehow? In other words, is it timed at all?


MissSea laugh

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Originally Posted By: MissSea
What do you mean, real time? I heard there was something in the previous Avernum installments with the Tower of Magi disaster and you needing to do something before that happened. Are you on a clock somehow? In other words, is it timed at all?

MissSea laugh

Basically, here's the difference. If you're playing, say, A6, and then go stand in the center of a town and don't move/push buttons/cast spells/ect , none of the other NPC characters will move. Everyone remains in a fixed position, and moves one square per turn.

In Geneforge, however, if you stood in the middle of a town, the NPC's would move around you, head to different location, and behave independent of whether you move or do not.

Essentially, Avernum is a turn-based game, while Geneforge is a real-time game. Both of the combat modes are turn-based AP systems, though. It's just a difference in the way the noncombat system is handled.
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What that means is when playing Geneforge, in the time you reach for a drink the monsters can cross the screen and start attacking you while playing Avernum you can go to the kitchen and have a meal without missing anything.


Geneforge really requires going into fight mode when you enter zones that aren't peaceful cities. Even then there are times when you want to use fight mode to sneak around guards to loot the place. Fight mode gives you time to think as you slowly advance. Also in Geneforge 1 to 3 you need 5 action points (AP) to attack so if you move too far you lose the action.


It takes some getting use to for combat.

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Well, regardless of staying in fight mode or having to think fast, Geneforge sounds like it works for me. I'm in it for the storylines versus "how can I kill monster A in fewest moves possible" ... I think that's why replaying holds no value for me.


Oddly enough, I can watch movies/read books over and over again and still glean enjoyment. Strange ...


On another note, does anyone know if Jeff plans to novelize any of his games? He may not want to continue the series in game form, but there's so much back story left to tell! smile


MissSea laugh

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No, I don't think he has any intention of novelizing or permitting novelization. He turns a blind eye to fanfiction, and that's about it.


—Alorael, who must warn you that Geneforge gives far more replay value than Avernum. You can take some rather different paths through the game and win by supporting a number of different factions (or, occasionally, none).

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Thanks all for the Geneforge advice. I am now happily plowing through the first island. It's definitely different, as far as playing goes. I keep leaving it "paused" (with the inventory open) so I don't get whacked as I deal with my baby.


But if Greta drops one more time, I may just write her off. wink


MissSea laugh

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Originally Posted By: MissSea
Thanks all for the Geneforge advice. I am now happily plowing through the first island. It's definitely different, as far as playing goes. I keep leaving it "paused" (with the inventory open) so I don't get whacked as I deal with my baby.

But if Greta drops one more time, I may just write her off. wink

MissSea laugh

Starting with Geneforge 3 is, IMO, a bad idea. It kind of spoils the previous games in its own way, since you "know" what factional path you should take (this influenced my choice of faction in G2, and I didn't like that, even though it was technically my fault).

Plus, the new creations and piles of new spells make G1 seem austere, and that's really the only game in the series you HAVE to play.
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