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A6 - - 10% to hit chance


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The latter. Well, actually it means his chance to hit is reduced by 10, which is not quite the same thing as hitting 10% less -- if he had a 50% chance to hit before he'll now have a 40% chance.

On a related note, is it possible to have a TH of over 100%? As in, I could carry items that decreased my hit chance but still have a 100% chance of hitting? I've always sort of wondered about that...
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aha. I guess i should avoid those kinds of amor in the early stages then. Seems like it's not worth it


I'm stuck at the beginning of the game right now as well. I got a bunch of quest, but can't really figure out how to complete them. I think i've killed everything except some slimes in a cave, who are ju waaaay too strong for me at the moment. The grave robbers, well.. i can't seem to find them. Even though i'm pretty sure i'm in the right crypt. I got the msg that there were sounds in the crypt

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Originally Posted By: Darkeonz
i definintely spoke too soon. i've found a whole part of the mad that i haven't discovered :-D.. my bad. I've just been walking around the same area for like 30 min missing this part completely

A lot of the areas in the graveyard are behind very heavily locked doors (ie many points of Tool Use are needed to open them). You may need to come back later in the game to unlock them all.

Also, if you have something new to add and noone else has replied yet, just edit your post, instead of making two new ones.
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Even though some items decrease your to hit chance, they usually give more armor than you would normally get with an item that doesn't do that. In my current party, they are both(I only have two of them) dual wielders, and they wear the best armor they can find. That means that most of it decreases their to hit chance by quite a bit. I tried putting a few points into dex and luck, and now I'm hitting things again.

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