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A6 - Missing quests through exploration?


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Hi, my name is Pemptus and I hate missing stuff in games. I also like to explore a lot.


There's been some disturbing talk about not being able to complete quests from the job board if you get to an area / kill things before getting the quests for them. Is this true? Is there a list of such quests? Should I worry about it much or explore to my heart content without desperately searching for a new job board every 100 tiles or so and running from fights in fear of botching a later quest? Does it apply to any other quests, apart from the job boards?


I'm sure you know what I mean and where this silly fear of mine comes from. Things like this keep me from enjoying an otherwise fantastic game. Kind of like the time passage in Avernum 3, hated that mechanic.



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I've found that killing blue, or NPC, characters can bite you in the butt later on, but even if I haven't gotten a quest, I kill stuff left and right and manage to collect the reward. Case in point, the Darkside Loyalists. I wiped out that group (even though they were blue) early on after discovering the Abyss. Call it retribution for my personal hell of A5. However, the quest for them didn't come until Melanchion's realm much later in the game.


My rule of thumb is if it has a name, it's probably got something important to say to you!


MissSea smile

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Most of the quests are now fixed so even if you kill them first you can get a reward. The only ones that may cause trouble are killing certain numbers of monsters since you will have to wait for them to respawn. So check the job board in a new town and talk to people there before going out to explore.

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I had a brief problem with a scuttler quest, because I killed them all before getting the quest, then couldn't immediately complete the quest with they guy who issued it, but I ran around to all the places I had killed scuttlers, then went to the guy, and all was well.


But that was the only problem I had of that kind in A6.


Another sort of problem happens once or twice: if you search an area before getting certain information, you may need to go back and search the area (or body, or whatever) again, to find the item or thing you need to continue. This is true of a key and a switch, at least.

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"I need you to kill this"


"Oh, you've already killed this... here's your reward."


I was frightened about this possibility, too, of missing things cause I felt like exploring the whole map without looking for the quests that might accompany that area. But, so far so good. Except in Bargha where I ran from the soldier coming to the hut cause I thought he was gonna rat me out to Harrar for snooping around, rather than waiting around to see what he did in that hut.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I think the only one you can truly miss is not getting the quest in Spire from the priestess about Bargha before killing the Mayor of Spire.

You could also sack Tenevra (sp?) for the dragon before doing the quests there.

In general, it's probably a good practice to talk to everyone in an area before you start killing or otherwise pissing off principal characters. But just exploring and killing hostile critters shouldn't impede your progress in the game.
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