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G2 -- Regarding Killing the "Three Lizards" (and other questions)

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Hello, folks. You can probably tell this is my first post. Hopefully the first of many. So, hi!


After years of playing Exile, I finally decided to look into Geneforge. At the moment, I'm close to the end of the second game, but I've hit a bit of a snag. I found the combat in the first game a bit dull, so I thought I'd try a sneaky-diplomat-mechanic on my first run through Geneforge 2. I've made it this far without any major combat and without putting any points into combat skills. However, lately I've been forced to spend a lot of time in combat-mode in order to sneak around (peeking around corners or darting past thresholds without enemies noticing), and the more I do it, the more it feels like I'm cheating.


So let me get on to my first couple questions (but not the main question): Am I abusing the Geneforge engine by using the turn-based mode as a sort of makeshift stealth mode? And are you supposed to be able to finish the game without fighting (more or less)?


The main reason I came here was to ask about one part in particular, and this is where the snag comes in. I've joined the Awakened and received their quest to kill the three Drayk and Drakon leaders. Akkat was a piece of cake -- just set the Gazers loose and lure them to him. But Rhakkus and Easss are proving to be a problem. I simply can't find a way to deal with Rhakkus without combat (despite the Servant Mind's hinting at the causing some kind of explosion in the machinery), and I'm not sure I can even get to Easss, assuming he's in the Geneforge.


Am I approaching this all the wrong way? I've searched around a bit and skimmed a walkthrough, but I'm wary of looking too much deeper for answers, since I have a crippling fear of spoilers. I hope someone here can help me out.



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No. You are absolutely supposed to use combat mode for stealth. Really, stealth is impossible with out doing that. And yes, you ARE supposed to be able to finish the games without fighting (instead relying on Leadership/Mechanics/stealth). I played through most of G3 relying on those methods, never striking a blow myself. It was a slower style of play, but quite interesting in its own way.


I haven't played all of G2, so I don't know the solution in this situation, but I think surely there must be one. Good luck!


I check the FAQ on Gamefaqs, and didn't see anything on HOW to take out Rhakkus, but it did give some indication of what you'll do to kill Easss


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Somehow you'll talk him into using the Geneforge in a way that gets him killed, I assume after some kind of sabotage somewhere.
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Looking at the zone script for Benerii where Rhakkus is, I found a possible clue for your


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Somewhere in the zone is a place with some drakons held in stasis by a machine, and apparently you can let them loss. That might be a way to get at Rhakkus. Somewhere else is a machine or vat of acid/chemicals that you can apparently cause to flood/overflow/something, and will refill periodically. That might be another way to target Rhakkus.
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Yes, there is a way to kill all 3 without combat. You already found out getting the gazers to kill Akkat. As for Rhakkus, someone there will tell you he is afraid of the machinery. There is machinery somewhere that you can use to kill him, a poison vat or something. As for Easss, you can sabotage the machinery before fighting him, in the northern area I think, then convince him to use the Geneforge, which will kill him.

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Thanks for all the feedback. This forum is livelier than I expected.


Originally Posted By: Triumph
No. You are absolutely supposed to use combat mode for stealth.

Huh. I guess it just doesn't seem like it was designed with that in mind, especially when it starts to get a little out of hand (downing a speed pod and blazing straight through a whole mess of enemies without them seeing a thing seems pretty iffy). Makes me wonder why Jeff didn't add a Stealth skill.


Originally Posted By: The Ninjas Doom
this is your first post? welcome to the spiderweb software forums! leave your sanity at the door!

Ha! Thanks for the welcome.


Originally Posted By: Mod.
As for Rhakkus, someone there will tell you he is afraid of the machinery. There is machinery somewhere that you can use to kill him, a poison vat or something.

Funny... I had tried both this and releasing the drakons before creating this thread (the results of half the drakons turning on me wasn't pretty). The game seemed to make a big deal out of the vat, so that seemed like the logical choice, but all I could accomplish with it was to get Rhakkus covered with acid. That meant he took a few damage per turn, but instantly regenerated that HP. But I just tried it again and it worked like a charm. Seems he wasn't close enough the other times?


Anyway, I appreciate the help!

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