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A6 - 30 GP for my flawless crystal?

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So I find this flawless crystal, and the game tells me it is worth 200gp. I remember a quest given to me by Asta of the portal keep (at least, I think that's her name.) I travel down to her musty basement after having some trouble with portals, talk to her about the quest, and she grabs my crystal and gives me a meager 30 gp. Then, to apologize for swindling me, she says "You probably could have gotten a better price from a merchant."

Could I at least have the option to ask about the price before selling things to NPCs? I will tire of saving before selling items (like that is a dangerous thing to do, or something.) Is there any hidden benefit to selling to Asta? What is the purpose of this, when there are many good merchants in Avernum waiting to give me a higher price?


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In the Avernums, to get the actual price of an item, take what the game tells you it is worth and divide it by around 4. For the flawless crystal, it actually sells for only 50 coins. However, giving the crystals to the lady under the portal will give you some nice rewards and (I think) some exp.

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The item worth is also used in determining how much you can buy the item for from a vendor. I don't know how much the price is multiplied by each expense level (average, expensive, exorbiant, ect.) but I do know that if the vendor is selling the item for extremely cheap, then that means that the vendor is selling the item for the amount shown when one mouses over an item.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
DON'T sell her the crystals one by one. Drop all of them on the floor by her and then sell them en masse, in which case she will give you some battle crystals, tinkers crystals, and wisdom crystals. It's well worth the twenty coin difference, but you've got to wholesale them to her.

It doesn't actually matter. The rewards are based on total number turned in, not number turned in at one time. There's no difference between turning in ten crystals one-by-one and turning in ten crystals all at once.
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Originally Posted By: Failedassassin
Could I at least have the option to ask about the price before selling things to NPCs?

She tells you she can't pay as much for the crystals as regular merchants can but that she will reward you in other ways when you take the quest.

The rewards are some nice crystals and (Dikiyoba thinks) experience, so the twenty coin difference really isn't that big a deal.
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Originally Posted By: Fael
Originally Posted By: Dantius
DON'T sell her the crystals one by one. Drop all of them on the floor by her and then sell them en masse, in which case she will give you some battle crystals, tinkers crystals, and wisdom crystals. It's well worth the twenty coin difference, but you've got to wholesale them to her.

It doesn't actually matter. The rewards are based on total number turned in, not number turned in at one time. There's no difference between turning in ten crystals one-by-one and turning in ten crystals all at once.

While it seemed true with Asta that it doesn't matter whether you give them one by one or all together, it is definitely not true with Edmund when you give him bags of meal. I found that you get a scroll of return life after 5 individual bags, but that he'll give you a wisdom crystal only after giving him ~20 bags all at the same time. I tried giving him ~40 individual bags and he didn't give me the wisdom crystal. So, although I got Asta's rewards turning the crystals in individually, there may be a difference, I'm not sure.
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