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A6 - Bit of a bug, nothing too big


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So, if anyone else looked up in the big helpful guide in the start of the section of forums the requirements for the special skills, you'll notice that in the main character building process you can unlock these traits before the game starts. I did that, then wanted to test something, as it turns out if you spend points on these traits, than take points out-of the skills you needed to unlock it initially, you can keep the skill points in the special traits. This probably shouldn't work that way, thx.

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Yup. The "bug" part is that you can actually do that at any time, it is just easiest to notice at the start of the game when you have 80 skill points to play with. It's kind of an innocent bug in that you can ignore it if you want, or exploit it if you want -- it doesn't force itself on you.

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Well, I imagine this would be hard to do not at the start of the game, but grats to the person who thinks it's liable to exploit latter on, that's dedication. Anyhow, I'll enjoy my dual-weilding person (thats from a trait) with anatomy (thats not, I have nothing invested in intel). Just thought this would be nice for the person designing the game to maybe know about because hands up if it should reasonably work this way...no hands, thought so. smile

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But how often is said extra attack? I obviously can't invest much in it at the start, if I want a balanced character and I'm wondering if I'll notice a return at the between 2-4 in it point in time, which seems really unlikly. I did anatomy because it gave something constant.

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Originally Posted By: Talias
But how often is said extra attack? I obviously can't invest much in it at the start, if I want a balanced character and I'm wondering if I'll notice a return at the between 2-4 in it point in time, which seems really unlikly. I did anatomy because it gave something constant.

here is a thing i made

In short, Quick Strike is better than Anatomy in the long run, but its effects don't become really significant until you have either 10 or more Quick Strike or an item that gives bonus action points.

Personally I don't find Anatomy to be worth putting skill points in at any point in the game, since it only gives bonus damage against some enemies; I'd rather invest in Parry, Riposte, Blademaster and Endurance.
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Which reminds me, I've being dying to ask this question. What does parry mean? I see the stats for it, then I look at what dexterity does, and I'm wondering how a chance to avoid attacks compares to parrying? I don't get what parry does, and I have looked.


I looked at your link, now quick strike confuses me. Thats why I'll go back when I'm feeling like not just skimming latter.

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Parry is its own thing, which is what makes it so useful.


In theory, Dexterity and Gymnastics reduce an enemy's chance to hit you. The trouble is, later in the game, enemies have such a high hit rate that they'll hit you all the time no matter how high your Dexterity and Gymnastics are.


Parry, on the other hand, gives you a chance to block an attack no matter how high an enemy's chance to hit you is. If you have 10 points in Parry, you will block 30% of all melee attacks that would otherwise hit you.

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