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A6 - What's the deal with the lightning?

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I've played all the Geneforge games, but this is my first Avernum. I'm finding it pretty fun - I set the challenge level higher than normal 'cause I normally find the games too easy, and I'm definitely challenged!


There's one thing I'm feeling too challenged by though, and that's the lightning - where three lightning bolts appear next to my character and continue to cause damage for a number of rounds. The issue I'm having is that nothing seems to reliably cure this, including the priest divine curing and cure elixirs. The only thing that works - mostly - is a purging crystal, and I don't have that many of them lying around.


Am I missing something? Or is this just a killer attack? It's making life very hard, particularly as the game goes on and more and more enemies use this attack.


(It's interesting the comments about how hard the game is and party optimization - I'm finding the game quite hard, and I think it's because my party isn't well optimized - but without doing quite a bit of research, I don't know that I could have done much better - which is daunting for a newbie.)

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I don't know a cure for the lightning aura, but energy resistance gear will mitigate the effects.


Regeneration scrolls and battle crystals will help offset the damage, though I think you'll want to ration those carefully--I'm not sure how readily available they are in the late game.


Try to keep your more vulnerable characters out of range of aura attacks, if possible.

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Thanks for the replies. At least I'm not missing something obvious!




On another note, I'm currently stumped by the Cackling Demon and the slith spy. I made the cackling demon disappear twice, but now I can't find him again. (I'm much farther in the game, I've already finished Formello.)


It's sort of like the reverse of the slith spy - I keep sending him over the edge of the chasm, but he keeps coming back in exactly the same spot.


I don't necessarily need solutions here - for instance, if I'm going to run into the cackling guy again eventually, or if eventually the slith spy will stop jumping into the cavern and just die, I'll keep plugging away at it. But maybe I'm doing something wrong?

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The Cackling Demon's final hideout is in a little temple not far to the north of where you fought him the second time. You can talk to the soldiers camped by the water and they'll give you a hint about this.


For the slith spy, you have to chase him underground. The trick is finding a way to get down to where he is.

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Originally Posted By: monolith94
What sticks in my craw is that this is a spell that you can never cast! All of Avernum at your feet, practically, and you can't find a single spellbook to cast this cool lasting damage alternative to acid spray??? And how come there's no "kill" spell anymore. Gah!

Hey, at least there's Wands of Death. Those are rather helpful... except when you meet those annoying death-resistant monsters.
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  • 7 months later...
Originally Posted By: Tirien
I thought i remember curing potions being able to get rid of lightning aura?

Curing elixirs, not curing potions. However, curing elixirs also cure fatigue, meaning that you can use an exploit to give yourself infinite turns per round by using Adrenaline Rush and Curing Elixirs, which is far, far more valuable than getting rid of a little bit of recurring damage.
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Originally Posted By: BerryPolter
I have never seen kill wands literally "kill" something, unless damage was greater than remaining health.

Yeah they don't autokill the target, all Kill wands do is deal a little over a hundred energy damage. It's decent enough to use in a pinch or on a boss in the first part of the game, but it you save it up too late, most of the enemies have resistance to energy or magic, and they do about 10 damage.

Really nothing worth writing home about.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius

Yeah they don't autokill the target, all Kill wands do is deal a little over a hundred energy damage. It's decent enough to use in a pinch or on a boss in the first part of the game, but it you save it up too late, most of the enemies have resistance to energy or magic, and they do about 10 damage.

yea and there is those wands quite much (I think more than Repel Spirit-wands).
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