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Why I won't be buying Avernum 6


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I'm hugely disappointed. The poor use of screen real estate is extremely irritating. Not everyone has a 23" widescreen monitor. The map and character status panels are WAY too large. Even the message panel at the bottom is badly designed. I really don't need to see ornate stone dragons, I need to see what's going on in the game.

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I'm playing the game on a 15" imac and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Admittedly, it does get a bit crowded; it'd be nice to have a bit more condensed interface, especially considering I mostly use the keyboard...


You're missing out, I have to say. This is easily the best Avernum of the 4-6 generation, with some really compelling areas/activities.

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I agree with your preferences tamagosan, but I find that those problems don't really interfere with gameplay much.


What has been most helpful for me is a habit I picked up in the Geneforge series -- I use the arrow keys HEAVILY to scroll the screen around, which makes it much easier to deal with the limited (and, thanks to those windows, oddly shaped) playing view.

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Originally Posted By: tamagosan
I played for an hour or so, and the interface problems NEVER stopped being an annoyance. It's just mind boggling that this game was released like this.

Lol @ passing final judgement in one hour.

Forrest Gump was a terrible movie because all I saw was some feather floating around in the wind. I mean, who wants to watch a movie all about some feather?
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Try going back and actually reading the post. My problem is with the UI, not the game itself.


I actually did some measuring in photoshop, and the map and character rosters alone take up about 23% of the entire screen. That's not even counting the clutter at the bottom.


I can't even begin to imagine the rationale for making the character roster as big as it is. Not only does it get in the way of what's going on in the game, it's distracting.


I own most of the previous games, and the fact that this one is essentially unplayable is, as I said, extremely disappointing.

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An irritating UI is not the same thing as an unusable UI. But everyone values different things in a UI... I don't see why there are so many extreme statements here. Tamagosan is not stupid for realizing right away that the UI really gets to him. But by the same token, it doesn't seem to be "essentially unplayable" for most people.

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Jeff isn't going to change A6's interface. You're out of luck, I'm afraid.


—Alorael, who hasn't been bothered by it until now, when he's realized that the screen is rather unnecessarily full of things that are not constantly helpful. He'll try to forget that he noticed.

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
Those dragons in the corner are actually really annoying; I've mistaken them for in-game entities before when I wasn't looking too closely. You can turn off some of the backdrops and stuff if you turn the graphics detail down a notch, though.

I agree that the dragons are annoying... I freaked out when I thought there were dragons in the Food Depot. tongue
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The only things I don't like about the UI in this game are that 1) when I click on a item on the ground or in a cabinet, it automatically jumps into the inventory of the selected character instead of letting me place it where I want it and 2) the exact health and magic points remaining are not shown on the main screen. I'm still liking the game a lot, though.


I didn't even notice the window size or dragon stuff you are talking about. I think I like the dragons, they make the screen look more fantasy-gamey.

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Originally Posted By: madrigan
The only things I don't like about the UI in this game are that 1) when I click on a item on the ground or in a cabinet, it automatically jumps into the inventory of the selected character instead of letting me place it where I want it and 2) the exact health and magic points remaining are not shown on the main screen. I'm still liking the game a lot, though.

Indeed, I think that nails the interface problems nicely. I've more or less gotten used to 2), but 1) will annoy me forever.
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Oh, you kids and your desire to see everything at once. I actually like the camera being closer to the characters and showing less of the surrounding environment. The early Avernums were annoying because even in town mode I felt like I had to squint to see my characters. Cave tunnels, buildings, water? That stuff is boring, we see it all the time in the game. It's my characters that I really want to see.


I grew up playing the Exile games (and I still play and enjoy them a WHOLE LOT MORE than any of the Avernums) and the game screen in those games was really a small portion of the overall screen, but it didn't detract from the gameplay at all.

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I'm using a 20" monitor, and I tend to play in a window, so I'm actually choosing to use *less* real estate for the game, in return for easy access to other windows I've got open.


Then again, my first mac was a 128k beastie with a screen not much bigger than my iphone, so modern monitors still seem like luxuries to me. This to say that not everyone's annoyed by the same things. smile


edit: Is it the roster and map which are annoying you, or is it the controls on the bottom? The roster and map can be minimized. It's that bottom interface which is completely redundant with keyboard shortcuts, and yet it isn't minimizable. I wonder how difficult a programming task it would be to convert that bottom bar so that it, too, could be minimized?

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1) when I click on a item on the ground or in a cabinet, it automatically jumps into the inventory of the selected character instead of letting me place it where I want it and 2) the exact health and magic points remaining are not shown on the main screen. I'm still liking the game a lot, though.

These two things are the only things that really have annoyed me so far about the A6 UI experience so far. And, in agreement with Fael, the HP / MP thing I could get used to. But is there any way Jeff could take a look at the first thing? It's epically annoying not being able to drop certain items directly into a character's equipped items or into another character's inventory directly upon selecting an item. And considering how much inventory management this game requires, I think it would be one change that would be highly appreciated.
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Since that's a change from all previous SW games with this item engine (G3, A4, G4, A5, G5) I imagine it was intentional. It's a helpful change if you are just picking up a pile of different loot items to sell, and you want to do it with the mouse (often easier than the keyboard if there is junk mixed in that you don't want to pick up). I agree that in general it's a hassle, but that's probably why it was changed.

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