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AIMhack - Selos and Blood Marsh


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Originally Posted By: Ephesos
Originally Posted By: Liomha, dragonborn weaponsmith
Of all the strange and ill-conceived weaponry I've seen over the years, one of the least practical I've seen is the catberd. Halberd on one end, cat o' nine tails on the other end. Almost impossible to wield, probably impossible to wield effectively. And everyone calls it a "catbard", which just makes no sense.

When I first read that, my thoughts instantly jumped to a halberd with a cat on the end instead of an axe blade.
Catberd Wielder: I swing my catberd at the bear.
DM: The catberd swings in a wide arc and, with a hissing and flurry of claws, severely scratches the bear's nose.

Anyway, I'll be there.
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We have a new character! Duck has decided to ditch the often-erratic Eriman for this guy:


Click to reveal.. (Alexander)
Name: Alexander

Occupation: Zombie Hunter

Alignment: Paranoid

Race: Human


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 4

Max Health: 10 HP


Magic (Divination): 3

Magic (Necromancy): 3

Martial (Iron Sword): 2

Perception: 3

Stealth: 2

Intimidate: 1


Also, session's about to begin, so any last-minute spectators should hurry in!


Originally Posted By: Kura, beastlord
Boom squirrel mating season can be dangerous. The males try to outdo one another's booming calls, with the unfortunate side effect that occasionally one of them explodes from overdoing it.
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Originally Posted By: Ephesos
No. Come on, I know for a fact you'll just use your time machine and keep going back until you get a 20. And no, I'm not helping you find places to sleep for all the copies of you.


Dikiyoba wouldn't have done that for every roll. Just the completely unimportant ones.
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The log for session 2 of The Blood Marsh is complete, and is available right here. All characters in The Blood Marsh can level up.


Now, quotes!

Click to reveal.. (Quote-tastic!)
  • Amadan - "Okay, don't panic. Maybe it's just undead fish."
  • Esstra - "Well, looks like my bark was worse than his bite..."
  • Sss-Tkss - "Thanks. Now, let's never do that again."
  • Sawbones - "You don't live out here for eleven years without learning how to make things taste better. Or less bad. Halfway bearable, anyways. If you're starving."
  • Kurex - "We're too dysfunctional to be brigands"
  • Alexander - "If you're undead, tell me now so I can get ready to kill you!"
  • Tabazinth - "Your friends are... skittish."

And, because it needed to be posted somewhere, here is the scene between Tabazinth and Kurex. Also, there is now a page for all the quotes, so they are collected in one place.


Also, two mechanics notes that need to be made public. Since Alexander was casting Detect Undead approximately every five minutes, that spell is now capped at 5 uses per in-game day.


Second, Sawbones's First Aid kit now contains a limited number of uses per day, rechargeable by gathering ingredients (a Nature or First Aid check).


Join us next time when we start poking around a bunch of old crypts. What could possibly go wrong?


(Also, thanks again to Ackrovan and Triumph for helping cover absences!)

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New character sheet. Hit Points are now 12, and +2 to Martial(Medical Equipment).


Click to reveal..
Name: Allen "Sawbones" Macterris

Occupation: Sawbones

Alignment: Convenience

Race: Goblin

Diety: Phol-phoram







Martial(Medical Equipment):5 <-Bonesaws, scalpels, syringes, etc.

First Aid:4

Nature:1+1 Goblin bonus

Crafting(Medical Supplies):2

Intimidate:0+1 Goblin bonus

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Leveled up. More HP, points in Evocation, and switching out Burning Hand for Ice Spray.


Click to reveal..

Name: Kurex

Occupation: Travelling Mage

Alignment: Magnificent Bastard

Race: Human

Deity: Imaunte


Strength: 4

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 4

HP: 12/12 (+4)


Magic (Evocation): 6 (+2)

Martial (Sword): 2

Artifice: 2

Diplomacy: 2

Streetwise: 1

Stealth: 1

Perception: 1



Light (evocation): Creates a small hovering orb of light, or causes an object to glow softly

Ice Spray (evocation): Shoots a cloud of sharp ice particles at a target. Somewhat better than Magic Missile.

Magic Missile (evocation): Fires a bolt of energy at the target

Stun (evocation): Fires a powerful energy pulse at the target, knocking them off balance and stunning them. No damage.


Also, quick mechanics question. If, say, I have 15 HP, and 4 Str. If I level up, and add a point to Str, would I receive +4 HP or +5? In other words, is newly added strength factored into calculations of HP?

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Oh, and if anyone wants to read the log for when Kurex and Alexander left the party, here it is. Be warned, it's 100% unedited, because I'm lazy.


Click to reveal..

Invitation from ephesossh: Sure, split the party. Great idea. tongue

duckinatophat: (7:39:24 PM) Yes, I am good with great ideas.

duckinatophat: (7:39:30 PM) tongue

ephesossh: (7:40:46 PM) So yeah. Looking for Amadan, then?

duckinatophat: (7:40:52 PM) (brb)

duckinatophat: (7:41:44 PM) Yeah. Looking for Amadan.

mageantonius: (7:42:04 PM) I sigh, and turn to Alexander. "Right. We are alone in a hostile area, searching for maybe the only person who can help us. We will presume that other members of our party are captured in some manner. We must not split up. If we do, we will most likley end up dead."

ephesossh: (7:42:19 PM) (this part will not appear in the log, btw)

duckinatophat: (7:42:24 PM) "Not split up, ha! The irony."

ephesossh: (7:42:28 PM) (so if you want to keep the record, go for it)

duckinatophat: (7:42:47 PM) (How do you extract a log?)

mageantonius: (7:43:49 PM) (what record?)

mageantonius: (7:44:20 PM) What is the lay of the land around the hut and the surrounding marsh

ephesossh: (7:44:22 PM) (I mean like the logs I keep of the sessions. The transcripts.)

mageantonius: (7:44:22 PM) ?

mageantonius: (7:44:29 PM) Ah.

duckinatophat: (7:44:48 PM) (I don't think I can extract the log with this app, but I can just copy and paste it.)

ephesossh: (7:44:49 PM) Picking your way across the surrounding land, in the dark, in the fog, with no clear idea of where you've been, will take a Nature roll.

duckinatophat: (7:45:03 PM) //roll-dice 1-sides 20

OnlineHost: (7:45:03 PM) duckinatophat rolled 1 20-sided die: 18

OnlineHost: (7:45:16 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 8

mageantonius: (7:47:16 PM) ...

ephesossh: (7:47:49 PM) With Alexander taking the lead, you are able to make some progress away from Tabazinth's hut, without drowning.

ephesossh: (7:47:52 PM) Now where are you going?

duckinatophat: (7:48:08 PM) I call out, "Amadan! Are you out there?"

ephesossh: (7:48:34 PM) There is no response.

mageantonius: (7:49:08 PM) "Okay. Priorities. 1. Survive 2. Find Amdan 3. Get everyone else out safley"

mageantonius: (7:49:21 PM) "Where would you hide if you were Amdan?"

duckinatophat: (7:49:42 PM) (Using a critical in stealth. :p)

duckinatophat: (7:49:53 PM) "Let's see..."

duckinatophat: (7:50:27 PM) "I don't think he left of his own accord. I say we go to roughly where he was and start searching for him from there."

mageantonius: (7:50:36 PM) "Right. Light?"

ephesossh: (7:50:44 PM) Might I remind you that you still have no idea where he was? tongue

mageantonius: (7:50:44 PM) I cast Light (no roll needed)

duckinatophat: (7:50:49 PM) "That would be good, yes."

ephesossh: (7:50:59 PM) A light appears hovering beside Kurex.

duckinatophat: (7:51:05 PM) (Well, where we were by the trees.)

mageantonius: (7:51:34 PM) The trees can't be too large It is just a little stand.

mageantonius: (7:51:58 PM) *""

ephesossh: (7:52:34 PM) Okay, you should roll perception if you're searching the trees.

duckinatophat: (7:52:42 PM) //roll-dice 1-sides 20

OnlineHost: (7:52:42 PM) duckinatophat rolled 1 20-sided die: 19

duckinatophat: (7:52:46 PM) (Oh yeah!)

mageantonius: (7:52:47 PM) "Right. We will begin searching north of the hut, and go counter-clockwise until we find him. Staying close to the hut will be neccessary until we find him"

OnlineHost: (7:52:49 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 10

duckinatophat: (7:53:23 PM) "But he must have been taken by zombies, or something, else he would have responded to our calls!"

ephesossh: (7:53:48 PM) You begin searching, with Alexander leaving no stone unturned.

mageantonius: (7:53:58 PM) "I don't think so. He's too clever for that"

duckinatophat: (7:54:21 PM) "What, being overpowered by hordes of zombies?"

duckinatophat: (7:54:38 PM) "Being clever can't get you out of that."

mageantonius: (7:55:03 PM) "Zombie's cant kill you if you can't be found"

duckinatophat: (7:55:12 PM) "Fair enough."

ephesossh: (7:55:37 PM) You make it about a quarter of the way around the hut, and still find nothing. Every so often, you trip over a tombstone.

mageantonius: (7:55:58 PM) (What, we still do have light)

mageantonius: (7:56:40 PM) (Unless there are windows, in which case I extinguish the light)

ephesossh: (7:56:55 PM) There are windows, but they are dark now.

ephesossh: (7:57:10 PM) And some of the tombstones are buried.

ephesossh: (7:57:32 PM) As it grows later, you find yourselves growing tired. Both of you lose 1 stamina.

mageantonius: (7:57:37 PM) (should we roll Perception again for th next quarter?)

ephesossh: (7:57:46 PM) Yes, go ahead.

OnlineHost: (7:58:04 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 10

duckinatophat: (7:58:05 PM) //roll-dice 1-sides 20

OnlineHost: (7:58:05 PM) duckinatophat rolled 1 20-sided die: 11

duckinatophat: (7:58:15 PM) (I always win the rolls. :p)

ephesossh: (7:58:25 PM) Perhaps it's just how tired you are, but you can't find anything in the trees.

ephesossh: (7:58:36 PM) You get the feeling that something is out there, though.

duckinatophat: (7:59:07 PM) "Ahh... I'm so tired, but we can't afford to stop searching just yet. It could be too late."

mageantonius: (8:00:17 PM) "Here. Have some stamina potion"

duckinatophat: (8:00:36 PM) "Are you sure... we need... to save supplies."

duckinatophat: (8:00:47 PM) "Until we... get back with... the others."

ephesossh: (8:00:50 PM) If you drink the stamina potion, you'll consume it between the two of you, but you'll both be up at full.

ephesossh: (8:01:10 PM) (Also, the... extra... Shatner-esque... ellipses are... not necessary.)

duckinatophat: (8:01:21 PM) (Oh, thank you.)

mageantonius: (8:01:37 PM) "I have a few potions. The are for use, you know"

duckinatophat: (8:01:40 PM) "Let's save the potion for now."

duckinatophat: (8:01:47 PM) I resume searching.

duckinatophat: (8:01:51 PM) //roll-dice 1-sides 20

OnlineHost: (8:01:52 PM) duckinatophat rolled 1 20-sided die: 7

mageantonius: (8:02:23 PM) I shrig and take a sip, draining half the potion

OnlineHost: (8:02:26 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 13

mageantonius: (8:02:35 PM) (oh, and I search, too)

ephesossh: (8:02:57 PM) Kurex drinks half the potion, going back to 10 stamina.

ephesossh: (8:03:17 PM) In searching the third quarter around the house, you hear a few disconcerting sounds from farther out. But you find nothing.

ephesossh: (8:03:23 PM) Both of you lose another stamina point.

mageantonius: (8:03:53 PM) "Come on. We're almost done."

duckinatophat: (8:04:01 PM) "Must keep searching!"

mageantonius: (8:04:26 PM) (what is your stamina?)

ephesossh: (8:04:42 PM) Roll if you're searching the last quarter.

duckinatophat: (8:04:50 PM) (8, I think.)

duckinatophat: (8:04:55 PM) //roll-dice 1-sides 20

OnlineHost: (8:04:55 PM) duckinatophat rolled 1 20-sided die: 13

ephesossh: (8:04:56 PM) Yes, 8.

OnlineHost: (8:05:03 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 10

duckinatophat: (8:05:10 PM) (Owned.)

mageantonius: (8:05:17 PM) (That's 3 10's. This sucks)

ephesossh: (8:05:27 PM) (It's late, you're tired. :p)

duckinatophat: (8:05:33 PM) (That's 3 times beating you. :p)

ephesossh: (8:05:41 PM) You continue searching, and find nothing. You both lose another stamina point as the night wears on.

mageantonius: (8:05:52 PM) "We should go investigate the sounds we hearrd in the 3rd quarter. He might be there."

duckinatophat: (8:06:08 PM) "Yes... Good plan."

ephesossh: (8:07:02 PM) You return to the third quarter, and find nothing of interest. You keep hearing sounds off in the distance, but you can't be sure if it's your imagination or not.

ephesossh: (8:07:07 PM) You both lose another stamina point.

mageantonius: (8:07:17 PM) "We need to search the distance. He might be there."

duckinatophat: (8:07:22 PM) I follow the sounds.

ephesossh: (8:07:23 PM) Something about the foggy air and the pervasive chill is just draining.

duckinatophat: (8:07:25 PM) //roll

OnlineHost: (8:07:25 PM) duckinatophat rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 3

duckinatophat: (8:07:32 PM) what the?

ephesossh: (8:07:34 PM) (The sounds keep moving, or so it seems.)

duckinatophat: (8:07:46 PM) I accidentally put "//roll" and it did a 6-sided.

duckinatophat: (8:07:54 PM) //roll-dice 1-sides 20

OnlineHost: (8:07:54 PM) duckinatophat rolled 1 20-sided die: 9

mageantonius: (8:08:01 PM) We attempt to follow the sounds, and discern their location

OnlineHost: (8:08:14 PM) mageantonius rolled 2 20-sided dice: 9 20

duckinatophat: (8:08:25 PM) We'll take the second roll! tongue

mageantonius: (8:08:28 PM) (Can that count?)

mageantonius: (8:08:32 PM) (Please?)

ephesossh: (8:08:38 PM) No.

duckinatophat: (8:08:41 PM) GAH.

ephesossh: (8:08:41 PM) Only the first.

mageantonius: (8:08:46 PM) Fine, I'll reroll

OnlineHost: (8:08:59 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 16

duckinatophat: (8:09:13 PM) (Good enough.)

ephesossh: (8:09:19 PM) The 9 counts.

mageantonius: (8:09:34 PM) WHat!

duckinatophat: (8:09:35 PM) *sigh(

duckinatophat: (8:09:38 PM) **

ephesossh: (8:09:42 PM) You end up stumbling towards the second quadrant, and past it.

mageantonius: (8:09:42 PM) That's not fair!

ephesossh: (8:09:50 PM) You rolled two d20s.

ephesossh: (8:09:52 PM) I took the first.

ephesossh: (8:09:57 PM) Totally fair.

duckinatophat: (8:10:22 PM) (brb)

mageantonius: (8:10:28 PM) I mistyped!

mageantonius: (8:10:47 PM) I typed "//roll0dice 1-sides 20"

ephesossh: (8:10:56 PM) ...anyway.

ephesossh: (8:11:22 PM) You walk a little ways out of the trees, and you think you can spot a light in the middle distance.

ephesossh: (8:12:05 PM) You hear a voice in the dark.

mageantonius: (8:12:06 PM) We cautiouslty approach the light, but not before I take a small sip of the potion and force the rest down Alexander's throat

ephesossh: (8:12:08 PM) "Fine! You know what? I don't need this land! There's perfectly servicable land RIGHT OVER THERE!"

ephesossh: (8:12:48 PM) Kurex recovers 1 stamina, Alexander recovers 1 stamina.

ephesossh: (8:13:27 PM) Amadan approaches, rather damp-looking.

mageantonius: (8:13:33 PM) (there was half the potion left. I drank half and recieved 5 stamina. How can drinking half now onlt amount to 2?)

ephesossh: (8:13:46 PM) There wasn't much left.

duckinatophat: (8:13:47 PM) (It wasn't half. You shared with me.)

Nioca: (8:13:59 PM) "Ah. Comrades."

Nioca: (8:14:05 PM) "How's your evening going?"

mageantonius: (8:14:07 PM) (No. You never had any)

duckinatophat: (8:14:13 PM) "Hello. Met anyone interesting?"

Nioca: (8:14:19 PM) "I met spiders."

Nioca: (8:14:23 PM) "Lots and lots of spiders."

duckinatophat: (8:14:28 PM) (You said 'force the rest down his throat*)

mageantonius: (8:14:31 PM) "I decided it was too dangerous to stay there:

mageantonius: (8:14:32 PM) "

Nioca: (8:14:48 PM) "They didn't follow me, did they?"

mageantonius: (8:15:03 PM) (Yes. I drank half. Then I put ut away for a while. Then I had a sip and forced the rest down his throat)

mageantonius: (8:15:09 PM) "No, I see no spiders"

ephesossh: (8:15:11 PM) Whatever, 1 potion left.

ephesossh: (8:15:18 PM) There are no spiders in the vicinity that you can see.

duckinatophat: (8:15:36 PM) "Yes. Kurex here's stunning perceptive abilities led us out here where we're exhausted and have no idea what to do."

Nioca: (8:15:55 PM) "Were you covered by spiders in your sleep?"

mageantonius: (8:16:20 PM) I sigh. "Shut up. She was very dangerous. Just because she chose to not excercize that power does not mean that we should have placed ourselves at her mercy"

duckinatophat: (8:16:23 PM) "I'm not entirely sure what happened."

Nioca: (8:16:35 PM) "Then your evening is going better than mine."

Nioca: (8:16:44 PM) "Are we making camp here?"

duckinatophat: (8:16:49 PM) "But at least I'm not bored to death."

ephesossh: (8:16:50 PM) You hear a rustle and a splash from over where the dire eagle corpse was.

Nioca: (8:17:16 PM) "Oh dear Liea, not the spiders again..."

duckinatophat: (8:17:17 PM) "Well, I was going to say yes, but we should probably check that out."

mageantonius: (8:17:24 PM) "Why not. You can get first watch"

duckinatophat: (8:17:26 PM) I cast Detect Undead.

mageantonius: (8:17:30 PM) "Wait, what was that?"

duckinatophat: (8:17:32 PM) //roll-dice 1-sides 20

OnlineHost: (8:17:32 PM) duckinatophat rolled 1 20-sided die: 8

Nioca: (8:17:47 PM) I run perception to try and determine what that was.

OnlineHost: (8:17:59 PM) Nioca rolled 1 20-sided die: 7

mageantonius: (8:18:06 PM) What Nioca said

OnlineHost: (8:18:08 PM) mageantonius rolled 2 20-sided dice: 6 13

duckinatophat: (8:18:12 PM) Again?

ephesossh: (8:18:17 PM) You have no idea what it was.

ephesossh: (8:18:26 PM) And no, you're too tired to cast Detect Undead again.

mageantonius: (8:18:27 PM) DAMMIT, I had paste on the wrong one.

ephesossh: (8:18:29 PM) (geez)

OnlineHost: (8:18:35 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 14

mageantonius: (8:18:47 PM) (you can ignore it, that is just so I can get the right code

mageantonius: (8:18:59 PM) )

OnlineHost: (8:19:06 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 19

ephesossh: (8:19:14 PM) You think you can see the sky beginning to lighten in the distance.

mageantonius: (8:19:18 PM) It works, good

mageantonius: (8:19:44 PM) "Let's try to pick up a bit of rest. Amdan, you can have first watch. I'll take second"

Nioca: (8:19:52 PM) "Fair enough."

mageantonius: (8:19:52 PM) "And Alexander can have thrid"

duckinatophat: (8:20:14 PM) "I would offer to take all, but..."

duckinatophat: (8:20:17 PM) I fall asleep.

Nioca: (8:20:22 PM) (What is everyone at right now?)

mageantonius: (8:20:28 PM) I fall asleep, too.

Nioca: (8:20:36 PM) I take watch.

OnlineHost: (8:20:37 PM) Nioca rolled 1 20-sided die: 10

duckinatophat: (8:20:41 PM) Nah, on second thought I cast Feign Death for extra alertness.

duckinatophat: (8:20:48 PM) Will that give me rest?

ephesossh: (8:20:53 PM) ...no. No, it won't.

ephesossh: (8:20:59 PM) You'll just be effectively dead. tongue

duckinatophat: (8:21:02 PM) Then nevermind.

duckinatophat: (8:21:07 PM) Sleep.

ephesossh: (8:21:37 PM) Morning begins to dawn, and the sky gets lighter.

ephesossh: (8:21:44 PM) You wake up, assumedly.

mageantonius: (8:22:41 PM) (Do we gain stamina, or no?)

ephesossh: (8:22:46 PM) No.

ephesossh: (8:22:50 PM) You gain no stamina.

ephesossh: (8:22:57 PM) It was almost morning already. tongue

Nioca: (8:23:08 PM) (Maybe a nibble of HP?)

mageantonius: (8:23:15 PM) (Well, yeah, but some sleep is probably better than none)

ephesossh: (8:23:40 PM) You were keeping watch. tongue

Nioca: (8:23:49 PM) (Crap.)

ephesossh: (8:23:52 PM) And yes, let's put it this way, you didn't hemorrhage any more stamina. tongue

duckinatophat: (8:23:57 PM) "More sleep, how about?"

ephesossh: (8:24:22 PM) Soon you see a column of smoke rising from where you remember Tabazinth's place was.

duckinatophat: (8:24:40 PM) "Or, is anyone up for a rescue mission?"

mageantonius: (8:24:46 PM) "Meh. The others can wait. Should we sleep a bit more? I can keep watch?"

duckinatophat: (8:24:52 PM) "Personally I would prefer sleep."

Nioca: (8:24:57 PM) "Amen."

ephesossh: (8:25:06 PM) Roll Perception.

mageantonius: (8:25:09 PM) (I have 8 stamina?)

duckinatophat: (8:25:13 PM) //roll-dice 1-sides 20

OnlineHost: (8:25:13 PM) mageantonius rolled 1 20-sided die: 11

OnlineHost: (8:25:13 PM) duckinatophat rolled 1 20-sided die: 5

ephesossh: (8:25:15 PM) Yes, 8.

ephesossh: (8:25:20 PM) Alexander has 7.

ephesossh: (8:28:17 PM) Okay, anyone who saw anything was told.

duckinatophat: (8:28:36 PM) Nicoa? Roll?

Nioca: (8:28:44 PM) (I'm sleeping!)

duckinatophat: (8:28:52 PM) Ah.

ephesossh: (8:29:28 PM) Yeah, that's it.

duckinatophat: (8:29:41 PM) (brb; eating)

mageantonius: (8:31:18 PM) "Let's head back and see how our friends are doing. Like, if the've been turned into zombies"

Nioca: (8:31:38 PM) I wake up. "Let's... not."

Nioca: (8:31:52 PM) I examine my surroundings. Any ruins or anything that catches my interest?

ephesossh: (8:32:04 PM) Nope. You can see the smoke from Tabazinth's hut, but that's about it.

ephesossh: (8:32:11 PM) It's still pretty foggy out.

mageantonius: (8:32:16 PM) "No, I think we need to head back to the hut."

Nioca: (8:33:03 PM) "Let's head back to my camp. Maybe I can catch a few of those spiders. And either way, it'll be the first place they look for us."

mageantonius: (8:33:17 PM) "Where is your camp?"

Nioca: (8:33:35 PM) "Across the water. There'll be a devoured eagle carcass marking it."

mageantonius: (8:33:46 PM) "I do have a bit of business to attent to"

Nioca: (8:34:04 PM) I nod, then lead the way back across the water.

Nioca: (8:34:10 PM) Also, is my arrow still on fire?

ephesossh: (8:34:16 PM) The arrow went out a while go.

ephesossh: (8:34:17 PM) *ago

Nioca: (8:34:19 PM) (I doubt it, but I don't want to get surprised)

Nioca: (8:34:25 PM) (Yeah, what I thought)

mageantonius: (8:34:49 PM) I head back to the hut area

ephesossh: (8:35:32 PM) Kurex heads off to the hut as you go back to the eagle.

ephesossh: (8:35:39 PM) (Let's assume Alexander follows.)

Nioca: (8:35:56 PM) Any spiders remaining?

ephesossh: (8:36:06 PM) The spiders are gone. And so is the carcass.

ephesossh: (8:36:12 PM) And so is your impromptu shelter.

Nioca: (8:36:40 PM) "Damn. What kind of spiders WERE those?"

Nioca: (8:37:01 PM) Alright, anything left at all at the site?

ephesossh: (8:37:16 PM) A few loose twigs from your shelter, but that's all.

Nioca: (8:37:59 PM) Do I still have that portion of Dire Eagle meat I got off of it earlier?

duckinatophat: (8:38:04 PM) (om nom nom over.)

ephesossh: (8:38:07 PM) Yes.

ephesossh: (8:38:17 PM) You still have some meat, uncured and uncooked.

Nioca: (8:38:20 PM) Ah.

Nioca: (8:38:30 PM) "Well, there's at least that..."

ephesossh: (8:39:25 PM) (Duck, you're with Amadan at where the eagle carcass used to be.)

duckinatophat: (8:39:42 PM) (Okay.)

duckinatophat: (8:39:53 PM) "Why don't we fry up some eagle meat?"

Nioca: (8:40:03 PM) "Not right now."

Nioca: (8:40:10 PM) "We've got work to do."

Nioca: (8:40:26 PM) I try to pick up the trail of land we were following yesterday.

duckinatophat: (8:40:47 PM) "Rescue mission? I love those!"

Nioca: (8:40:57 PM) "Yes, that's the idea."

Nioca: (8:41:04 PM) (Roll?)

ephesossh: (8:41:38 PM) Hold on.

Nioca: (8:41:58 PM) I'm at the eagle carcass.

Nioca: (8:42:04 PM) (Or what's left of it)

ephesossh: (8:42:22 PM) Sss-Tkss eventually finds you.

Ackrovan: (8:42:36 PM) "Ahha! There you are."

duckinatophat: (8:42:40 PM) "We were right, huh?"

Ackrovan: (8:42:47 PM) "Sleep all right?"

duckinatophat: (8:42:49 PM) "Did she try to eat you?"

Nioca: (8:43:03 PM) "That depends, Sss-tcks."

Ackrovan: (8:43:16 PM) "No, actually, you were completely and utterly wrong."

Ackrovan: (8:43:23 PM) (*Sss-Tkss)

duckinatophat: (8:43:36 PM) I laugh. "That's what she--WHAT?"

Nioca: (8:43:47 PM) (Do I need a roll for nature?)

Ackrovan: (8:44:02 PM) "She was completely normal. Even offered us some tea."

duckinatophat: (8:44:25 PM) "Tea?! It was... poisoned. That's right.

duckinatophat: (8:44:32 PM) *"

Ackrovan: (8:44:58 PM) "Maybe if you didn't hollar for freakin zombies every once in a while, you would have paid attention long enough to see that."

duckinatophat: (8:45:12 PM) "Nope. I swear it was poison."

Ackrovan: (8:45:13 PM) "No, actually. Sawbones just tried some. He's perfectly fine."

Nioca: (8:45:18 PM) "Gentlemen, now is not the time."

Nioca: (8:45:43 PM) "Mainly because my patience is thinning, and my desire to shoot flaming arrows is rising."

duckinatophat: (8:46:14 PM) "Lalalala! I'm not listening to the necromancer's possessed minion! Lalalalala!"

Ackrovan: (8:46:15 PM) "Careful Amadan. You're not in charge of everyone."

Nioca: (8:46:34 PM) "Homicide doesn't require leadership."

Nioca: (8:46:46 PM) "Nor does temporary insanity."

Ackrovan: (8:47:12 PM) "Says the man who just spent the night sleeping in a pile of dirt."

Ackrovan: (8:47:27 PM) "Now, shall we rejoin the others, eh?"

Nioca: (8:47:29 PM) "I did not sleep in a pile of dirt."

Nioca: (8:47:35 PM) "I slept in a nice cozy shelter."

Nioca: (8:47:55 PM) "Besides, I'm trying to find a trail here."

Ackrovan: (8:48:16 PM) I shrug. "Suit yourself. Alex, you coming?"

ephesossh: (8:48:30 PM) Where are you going then?

duckinatophat: (8:48:46 PM) "Back to the Necromancer? That sounds fun and exciting!"

duckinatophat: (8:48:52 PM) I follow.

Nioca: (8:48:53 PM) I'm just trying to find a trail that leads further into the marsh.

OnlineHost: (8:48:55 PM) Nioca rolled 1 20-sided die: 2

Ackrovan: (8:49:16 PM) Me and Duck are rejoining Nalyd and Nikki at the house.

ephesossh: (8:49:24 PM) Amadan is unable to locate a trail leading further in, at least from where you are now.

Nioca: (8:49:30 PM) I follow them, for lack of a trail.

ephesossh: (8:49:56 PM) You quickly rejoin the party.

duckinatophat: (8:50:10 PM) Back to the main chat?

ephesossh: (8:50:15 PM) Yes. Go. NOw. tongue

ephesossh: (8:50:49 PM) If anyone wants to save this log, do so now.

Nioca: (8:51:05 PM) Mine automatically does it.

ephesossh: (8:51:13 PM) Okay then.

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Actually, Eph included an edited version as part of the session 2 transcript.


Also, thank you, Diki. smile


EDIT: I suppose it's only fair to include the transcript of Amadan, since Duck posted the other transcript. So...

Click to reveal.. (Amadan vs. The Spiders)
Nioca (9:22:06 PM): I slip away from this fiasco and return to where the Dire Eagle was. Stealthily so the others don't notice.

ephesossh (9:22:56 PM): In the confusion, you easily slip away.

ephesossh (9:23:05 PM): (Also, The Dire Eagle should've been an inn... tongue )

Nioca (9:24:35 PM): I build a simple lean-to and set up some basic (and noisy) perimeter traps with the various bits of wood available. Roll?

ephesossh (9:24:44 PM): I'll do it.

ephesossh (9:24:51 PM): 15, not bad.

ephesossh (9:25:15 PM): You set up a shelter without much trouble.

ephesossh (9:25:18 PM): It looks fairly sturdy.

Nioca (9:26:11 PM): Alright, I craft a few arrows (or attempt to) before getting some shut-eye in the shelter.

ephesossh (9:27:07 PM): Maybe it's the eerie cold, but you can't fall asleep very quickly. You craft four more arrows.

ephesossh (9:28:14 PM): ...okay, Perception for the night is a 5. frown

ephesossh (9:28:27 PM): And you are spending the night there?

Nioca (9:28:26 PM): That's what the traps are for.

Nioca (9:28:29 PM): Yeah.

Nioca (9:28:42 PM): (I really didn't expect to be a good watchman while asleep, after all)

ephesossh (9:28:49 PM): Yeah.

ephesossh (9:29:19 PM): During the night, you are awakened by a prickly feeling slowly spreading over your skin...

ephesossh (9:29:21 PM): (we'll hold it there)

ephesossh (9:29:29 PM): (the others need to catch up a bit, time-wise)

ephesossh (9:29:40 PM): (sorry about that, but it is kind of your fault tongue )

Nioca (9:29:48 PM): (I know)

Nioca (9:29:54 PM): (But I enjoy trouble smile )

ephesossh (9:35:10 PM): HAH! laugh

ephesossh (9:55:58 PM): You recover 1 stamina while resting, btw.

Nioca (9:56:04 PM): Okay.

ephesossh (9:58:46 PM): Alright, let's go back to where you wake up.

Nioca (9:59:30 PM): My action?

ephesossh (9:59:35 PM): Yes.

Nioca (9:59:52 PM): I grab my bow and nock an arrow, then examine my immediate surroundings.

ephesossh (10:00:11 PM): The skin-crawling feeling doesn't go away. It's still dark out. Very dark.

Nioca (10:00:38 PM): Hmm... Could I light a Fire Arrow but not immediately fire it?

ephesossh (10:01:19 PM): Yes, it'd be 1 stamina, though.

Nioca (10:01:35 PM): Fair enough. I do that, then step outside the shelter.

ephesossh (10:02:21 PM): The arrow flares to life, illuminating hundreds and hundreds of tiny spiders swarming over your camp.

Nioca (10:03:40 PM): Are the spiders very close to me? (As in, if I managed to set them alight, would I get burned?)

ephesossh (10:03:54 PM): Remember the skin-crawling feeling?

Nioca (10:04:11 PM): I brush the spiders off of me, then climb the nearest tree.

ephesossh (10:04:34 PM): The nearest tree is also covered in spiders.

Nioca (10:05:38 PM): Do I have all my equipment with me? If so, I find water. I go just deep enough to evade the spiders, then launch the fire arrow into the swarm.

ephesossh (10:06:20 PM): You wade into the water, and fire the arrow. It lands somewhere in the swarm, immediately extinguishing itself in the damp ground.

ephesossh (10:06:32 PM): You are now in the dark and in the water.

Nioca (10:07:02 PM): Alas. I light another fire arrow and make my way away from the swarm.

ephesossh (10:07:45 PM): Any direction in particular?

Nioca (10:08:11 PM): I travel parallel to the land to see if they follow me.

ephesossh (10:08:25 PM): The spiders do not approach the water, as far as you can tell.

Nioca (10:08:38 PM): (Yeah, but I want to know if they're following on the shore)

ephesossh (10:08:57 PM): Traveling is difficult, and it's hard to keep an eye on your progress and one on the spiders'.

ephesossh (10:09:05 PM): However, it seems that they are not following you.

ephesossh (10:09:16 PM): A bolt of insight suggests that they're probably after the eagle carcass.

Nioca (10:09:57 PM): I get back onto land, and try to gather a few spiders into a vial.

ephesossh (10:10:26 PM): As soon as you start trying to gather spiders, they attempt to swarm you again.

ephesossh (10:10:43 PM): A few of them bite you, dealing 1 damage in total. You drop the vial, spilling out the spiders you had gathered.

Nioca (10:11:52 PM): I retreive my vial and start shouting at the spiders. "Fine! You know what? I don't need this land! There's perfectly servicable land RIGHT OVER THERE! And it'll be glad to have me, too!"

Nioca (10:12:03 PM): I go back into the water and try to cross it to the nearest land.

ephesossh (10:12:18 PM): You see a light in the middle distance.

Nioca (10:12:35 PM): (Don't go into the light! tongue )

Nioca (10:12:38 PM): I head for the light.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
If, say, I have 15 HP, and 4 Str. If I level up, and add a point to Str, would I receive +4 HP or +5? In other words, is newly added strength factored into calculations of HP?

Eh, we'll say that it does factor in, so you would get +5 in that example.

Kurex and Sawbones's level 2 stats have been updated on the roster page, and Alexander's background is also up there now. It's a good read.

And Nioca, thanks for posting that... I was kicking myself when I realized I hadn't saved it. Though it was hard enough to weave everything else in. I mean seriously, stop splitting the party, guys! tongue

Originally Posted By: Thiaspor, priestess of Sliros
The tyrants of Sarden ought to be turned out into the streets. Day after day, more slaves are brought in from the wilderness, while those kept here are beaten and exhausted. It is only in secret that we can operate, whisking these unfortunates away to their homes and families. I dream that one day, we can lead an army of the freed to overthrow these self-important cutpurses.
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Esstra now has her backstory posted on the roster page. Another good read, and it means that the entire Blood Marsh party has proper backstories now. As your DM, I say thank you. smile


*cough* Zkaashj still needs a backstory *cough*


Originally Posted By: Vothella, lacewing dreamthief
There are those who will pay premium coin for properly-prepared dreams. And for the few who know the craft, it is a blessing and a curse.
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Basically, boosting Bows and Transmutation. Also, swapped out Repair and Cleanse for CryoArrow and Detrimentum.

Click to reveal.. (Amadan Rayton)
Click to reveal.. (Bio)
Occupation: Alchemical Hunter

Alignment: Kind Pragmatic

Race: Human

Homeland: Ona

Deity: Liea, Goddess of Fire and Stone

Age: 22


Strength - 2

Dexterity - 5

Intelligence - 4

HP - 9/10 (+2)

Speed - 5

Stamina - 7/10



Martial (Bows): 5 (+1)

Magic (Transmutation): 2 (+1)

Crafting (Alchemy): 2

Stealth: 2

Nature: 2

Perception: 2

Artifice: 1

Click to reveal.. (Inventory)

Composite Bow


Arrows (x10)


Empty Vials (x3)

Small Knife

Mortar and Pestle

Healing Moss Lump

Dire Eagle Meat


Fire Arrow (1S) - Wreathes an arrow in flame. 1 free cast/day.

CryoArrow (2S) - Transforms the arrowhead into a cryogenic substance, damaging and momentarily freezing the target.

Loft - Makes an object lighter, like a poor-man's featherfall.

Detrimentum - Disrupts the molecular structure of a target, damaging it.


Also, Eph, not a problem on the transcript. That might be one of the few good things about AIM 7: It automatically logs every single message. Then again, this can cause problems when the log hits 2 megabytes in length... but I digress.


Also, a question about the post quotes: Will any of the Labyrinth characters make quotes? I think it'd be fun to hear Thuja's thoughts on a subject. tongue

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Blood Marsh party: Alexander, Esstra, and Sss-Tkss still need to level themselves up.


Selos party: Remember, next session is Friday! That's two days away!


Oh, and just saying, this is all I have to say about splitting the party, particularly in the fashion that the Blood Marsh party did last week (you need to read the note at the end).




Originally Posted By: Kura, beastlord
Why would I fear the bandits of Sarden? I can summon a fifty-foot boa constrictor with a whistle. Do you honestly think I fear their child's play?
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The new and improved Alexander the Great!


Click to reveal..

Name: Alexander

Occupation: Zombie Hunter

Alignment: Paranoid

Race: Human


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 4

Max Health: 13 HP


Magic (Divination): 3

Magic (Necromancy): 4

Martial (Iron Sword): 3

Perception: 3

Stealth: 2

Intimidate: 1

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Just be glad I haven't let you do this. Or made you really track your inventory.


In other news, the next session of Selos and the Oracle occurs tomorrow! In less than 24 hours! As in, 5pm CST. On the 15th.


Originally Posted By: Gaunik-da, master illusionist
I am truly honored to call Plaram one of my colleagues, particularly if he is within fifty feet and I am not underwater at the time.
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1.75 hours and one redirect away from Selos, session 2.


Also, Eph, are you forgetting Kundak's "Swordfish Rain" spell? He's one cast away from having many bigger fish. tongue


(I've also been keeping meticulous track of my inventory. Then again, I sort of have to, what with needing ammo and all. Thank you, spreadsheets!)

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Here is the side trip that Nixak made while the party was fighting the sponge monster.


Click to reveal..
Nixak: I move farther downstream.


DM: You think you can see some shapes below the water, but you don't know what they are.


Nixak: Can I use mind read on them?


DM: On the shapes?


Nixak: Yeah, I always wanted to know what fish think about.

You got a 12.


DM: Since you're not sure what you're looking at, you don't get anything.


Nixak: I move farther downstream then.


DM: You're out of sight of the party now.


Nixak:Is the water any slower now that the river is wider.?


DM: It's still pretty fast down here. There are also a few rocks protruding above the surface.


Nixak: I make my way out on to some of the rocks to get a better look into the water and the shapes in there.

6 on Perception...


DM: The shapes are no easier to make out down here.

They are moving, but that's about all you can discern.


Nixak: I move back to shore and farther downstream.

(I'm guessing that I don't know what is going on with the raft.)


DM: You have absolutely no idea.

The river gets even wider down here, though it does slow down a bit.


Nixak: Does it look like I could wade across the river here? I don't much want to swim.

DM: It's actually deeper here.


Nixak: Can I see any way of crossing farther downstream?


DM: Not right now.


Nixak: I look around into the jungle, does anything stand out?


DM: Not particularly.


Nixak: I guess I'll head back upstream then, nothing for me to find down here but deeper water.

Let me know when I manage to get back to the party.

Or if I do.


DM: 'k, it'll show up in the main window.


(I got back to the party and walked right past. No one said a thing about me.)


Nixak: I go upstream looking into the water and for a way to cross.


DM:The river widens, and you still can't be sure what's below the surface.


Nixak: I go farther upstream. ( I have no idea what the others are doing still. Just that some were on the other bank now.)


DM: The river narrows here, and there are a few stones protruding above the surface. With a little care, you think you might be able to cross here.


Nixak: I check the water to see how deep it looks here.

And the rocks to make sure they look solid to hold my weight.


DM: The water's still maybe 20-30 feet deep here. The banks are quite a bit rockier than back downstream.

The rocks are wet, and appear to just be extensions of the bank in places.

The distance between them is at the far limit of what a normal person could comfortably jump.


Nixak: I go farther upstream to see if there might be a better crossing point.


DM: The river widens again upstream.


Nixak: I return to the rocky part and attempt to cross the river.


DM: Gonna need a Dex roll.


I rolled a 1


DM: ...


Nixak: (I drown.)


DM: You slip and fall into the river, knocking your head on a rock.


DM: You live, you're back with the party.


Nixak: You are to kind.


DM: What, I wasn't gonna just kill you.


Over all, I'm just lucky that I slipped while upstream of the party rather then downstream.

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And here's me drowning Telaverin.

Click to reveal.. (Telaverin and the Sponge)
*The raft gets stuck, Telaverin swims out to it*

ephesossh (9:16:40 PM): You make it out to the raft. There's nothing visible at the surface.

Nioca (9:17:43 PM): I dive under, pulling my blade.

ephesossh (9:18:02 PM): You dive under, and almost immediately encounter a wall of rough, yet yielding material.

Nioca (9:18:52 PM): *blub blub blurb?* I stab at it with my blade to see if it reacts.

ephesossh (9:19:15 PM): In fact, it does not.

Nioca (9:20:07 PM): Alright, I push against the bottom of the raft, trying to ease the weight slightly and get it over the obstruction.

ephesossh (9:20:40 PM): You can't get it moving very far.

Nioca (9:20:59 PM): I surface for air.

*At this point, the sponge attacks the raft*

Nioca (9:23:20 PM): I dive down again and try to find something that looks like a brain or something vulnerable.

ephesossh (9:23:46 PM): You can't really see much down here, but it all looks mostly the same.

Nioca (9:24:02 PM): In that case, I just start hacking at it. Roll?

ephesossh (9:24:10 PM): Yes.

Rolls a 5

ephesossh (9:24:39 PM): You stab out at nothing in particular, and you're not sure if you hit.

ephesossh (9:25:46 PM): You feel something brush against your arm, but the feeling passes.

Nioca (9:26:22 PM): Alright, I try to find the appendage holding the raft and cut it off. Shouldn't be too hard to find, since all I've got to do is search the bottom of the raft.

Rolls a 6

ephesossh (9:27:05 PM): There appears to be a great deal of material holding onto the bottom of the raft. You're not sure if it's one appendage.

ephesossh (9:27:25 PM): Still, you stab it, and it quivers.

Nioca (9:28:38 PM): I surface for air again.

*Telaverin, not content that the raft's now free, dives again*

ephesossh (9:31:23 PM): Okay, you're underwater.

Nioca (9:31:44 PM): I dive down to find the creature.

ephesossh (9:32:00 PM): You quickly bounce off of the spongy mass.

Nioca (9:32:18 PM): I start stabbing it repeatedly. Roll?

ephesossh (9:32:39 PM): Yes.

Rolls a 12

ephesossh (9:33:03 PM): You stab at the thing, and hit it. You think.

ephesossh (9:34:00 PM): By the way, how are you avoiding being swept downstream?

Nioca (9:34:18 PM): Um... natural swimming capacity?

Nioca (9:34:20 PM): (Oh crap)

ephesossh (9:34:48 PM): Heh, roll to not get swept downstream then.

Rolls a 8

ephesossh (9:35:35 PM): You can't make very decent headway against the current, but luckily, the sponge creature grabs you with a huge rough appendage, keeping you from drifting away downstream.

ephesossh (9:35:55 PM): The downside being that you're now being squeezed underwater. You lose 1 stamina.

Nioca (9:36:47 PM): *blurble!* I continue to stab it, but hang on to the tentacle so I don't get swept away (should it release)

Rolls a 20

Nioca (9:37:18 PM): (HA! Take that, sponge thingy!)

ephesossh (9:37:25 PM): You manage to flawlessly hack off the bit that was holding you, but not so much that you drift downstream.

ephesossh (9:38:06 PM): However, the sponge takes this opportunity to retract all of its appendages, dragging you deeper underwater.

Nioca (9:39:04 PM): Alright, time to get serious. I make my way up the appendage to the base of the creature and start stabbing its body.

Rolls a 1

Nioca (9:39:12 PM): ...

Nioca (9:39:18 PM): What's with these dice?

ephesossh (9:40:19 PM): The creature takes this opportunity to grab you again, dragging you further down and squeezing two stamina out of you.

ephesossh (9:40:28 PM): Hey, this feels really familiar. tongue

Nioca (9:40:36 PM): Yes it does. smile

Nioca (9:41:58 PM): Spend a stamina. Stab at it's body (a vulnerable looking spot if I can wrangle it). And then swim for the surface before I start drowning.

Rolls a 15

ephesossh (9:42:39 PM): You stab at a point nearby you, and manage to flail your way back to the surface, losing one more stamina in the effort.

ephesossh (9:42:49 PM): (puts you at 5)

*all goes well for a while, the creature remains quiet... until it decides to attack again while the final cart's going across. Telaverin dives again.*

Nioca (10:30:16 PM): I stab at the creatuire in hopes of it letting go of the cart.

Rolls a 15

ephesossh (10:35:44 PM): You stab at the creature, and you hit it. You think, it's kind of hard to tell.

*creature sweeps away the cart and breaks it*

Nioca (10:40:23 PM): I swim for a shore. Any shore.

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Since we're posting ill-fated side adventurers, here's Vitze, riding a horse and provoking friendly fire:


Click to reveal..
GM: You don't see anything that's an immediate threat, but there might be figures on the horizon. Or trees.

GM: (To the left.)

Vitze: I leave the path and ride toward them.

GM: As you get closer, you can see individual figures out on the plains. A few are mounted, but the majority are on foot.

Vitze: About how many?

GM: There are about a dozen, to hazard a guess.

Vitze: Can I tell what direction they're going?

GM: Towards you.

Vitze: They must have seen me by now, right?

GM: You would guess as much.

Vitze: I keep going toward them.

GM: They quickly stop approaching you, and start gathering closer together.

Vitze: I dismount, and lead my horse as I walk toward them.

GM: An arrow thuds into the ground a few feet away from you.

Vitze: I remount and gallop away.

Vitze: Did I observe anything about their weapons, clothes, or race?

GM: Nope.

GM: Just figures, humanoid.

[Vitze returns to the group, and reports. As the bandits approach, one breaks away from their group and rides away. Vitze gives chase]

GM: The other horse appears to be better-rested, and the gap between you is widening.

Vitze: Can I see anything ahead of him? Other figures, a possible destination?

GM: Nope, just the plain stretching out ahead.

Vitze: I keep going for a while. I let him gain rather than risk overexerting my horse.

GM: The distant rider continues gaining ground on you.

GM: Eventually, he grows so distant that it's hard to pick him out from the trees.

Vitze: I cast Glamorous on myself, trying to mimic the departed rider as best I can.

GM: You didn't get a very good look at them, but you muster a passable "Generic Bandit" disguise.

Vitze: Then, i turn around and gallop back, approaching the strange group from behind.

Vitze: As I get closer, I create a doppleganger and have it chase me.

GM: This is gonna take 2 stamina to maintain while riding the horse. P

GM: But you manage it.

Vitze: Okay, I'll accept that.

Vitze: So, to be clear me, disguised as bandit in front. Illusory me, chasing me toward the other bandits.

GM: Yes.

Vitze: As I approach the main bandit group, I let the dopplegagner appear to cut me off from them, and gallop off toward the mountains.

GM: Is the doppelganger on a horse too?

Vitze: Yes.

Vitze: I didn't work out exactly what the rules of the doppleganger are, but it makes sense ot would naturally have all the same equipment I do.

Vitze: I let the doppleganger chase me away from the bandits.

Vitze: So now I'm riding toward the mountains, with the doppleganger chasing me.

GM: Er, yes.

Vitze: Sorry for all the complexity, I'm just afraid of describing stuff badly.

GM: s'okay.

Vitze: I turn back and "fight" my doppleganger hand to hand or horseback, and try to make it look like I'm losing.

Vitze: I sneak a glance at the bandits. Are they paying any attention to me?

GM: Nope.

Vitze: I have my doppleganger break off and charge the bandit group. I let it get about 50 feet and chase after it.

Vitze: When the doppleganger gets to the bandits, I have it attack whichever is closest. Then, I come up behind and throw a knife through it into the bandit

[The knife passes through the doppleganger, dispelling it, but misses the bandit.]

Vitze: I steer a middle course, between the bandits and the party, so that I might be going toward either. As I ride, I cast terror bat-cloud on the one that I missed before.

Vitze: I'll start taking regular turns now that I'm basically back with the group.

GM: Does your bandit disguise dispel?

Vitze: No.

[Yount fires his crossbow at Vitze and hits]

GM: (you take 3 damage P)

Vitze: I dispel the illusion, and return to the group.

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I should probably give advanced warning as soon as possible: I'll be absolutely guaranteed to be missing this session with no chance of attendance, due to work now reaching hectic pace. RL does had an unfortunate tendency to interfere sometimes, and my greed also played a large part, too. Sorry. Just presume Kurex follows you very closely, and mumbles disjointed sentence fragments about his past.

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Blast... well, I'll try and decide what to do about scheduling soon.


For now, the important thing is that the second log for Selos and the Oracle is available HERE. It's... yeah. Also, everyone from the Selos party levels up. And don't forget, Esstra and Sss-Tkss from Blood Marsh still need to level up.


Click to reveal.. (I cast Cone of Quotes!)
  • Nixak: "At least they are not riding boom squirrels."
  • Khielik: "There is an imbalance, and something must be done to correct it."
  • Vitze: "I think we need to talk about how our group handles negotiation in the future."
  • Boregloaf: "Perhaps the discussion should wait until morning, when we aren't so tired and shook up? And possibly less dumb."
  • Phal: "I know, maybe if we just make insulting gestures at the jungle, it'll help us out."
  • Kundak: "Nature is obviously trying to kill us."
  • Telaverin: "Curse you, spongy demon of the deep!"
  • Zkaashj: "Can you use your fire here? Without burning the whole plains of course."
  • Zarusa: "Are you honestly suggesting that I start another brushfire?"

So yeah. Keep an eye out here, but I can guarantee that one of the groups is going again on Friday.

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I can't make it this Friday.


But I can level up!


Click to reveal..

Female Elf

Occupation: Confidence Artist

Alignment: Remorseless


2/3/5, 12HP (+2)


Bluff: 4

Streetwise: 3

Magic (Illusions): 5 (+2)

Magic (Transmutation): 2

Religion: 1

Martial (Throwing Knives): 1

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Click to reveal..
Nixak, the mind-mage (Level 2)

Occupation: Currently Unknown
Alignment: Manipulative
Race: Human

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 7
Max Health: 10 HP (+2)
Magic (Enchantment): 4
Bluff: 2
Intimidate: 2
Stealth: 3
Diplomacy: 3 (+2)
Perception: 1


* Mind Read - Read the target's surface thoughts.
* Compulsion - Compel a target to act in a specific way.
* Mind Duel - Lash out at a target's mind, and attempt to destroy it.
* Mnemonic - Remember some specific sensory experience.
* Blank Slate - Temporarily blank a target's mind.
* Mind Barrier - Shield targets from mental attacks.

Eph, you might want to make a new calendar, I know that now classes have started again I have dropped and added classes changing my time table a little. I would imagine that the same has happened to others as well.

Also, thanks for all the hard work you put into making a great environment for us to play in.
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Originally Posted By: Nioca
Also, I can't get my cookie of gratitude to appear.

The image code is still turned off, so if you want an image in your post, you'll have to format it as <img src="http://www.choc-chip-cookie-recipe.com/images/giant-chocolate-chip-cookie.jpg"> and then wait for a mod to turn on HTML.

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Yeah... in light of all of these schedule modifications, here's what we're going to do:


  • This Friday, The Blood Marsh will take its regularly-scheduled turn at 5pm-ish CST. More people from that group can make it than from Selos. If Dantius allows it, someone can take over Kurex for a session.
  • NEW CALENDAR is up. I see that a regularly-scheduled setup just isn't gonna work that well, as much as I hate to admit it. Fill it out like usual.
  • Some people still need to level up. You know who you are.

Originally Posted By: Keoshor, Sorceress of the Fates
Knowledge is truly a dangerous thing. Fortunately, it is far safer than forgetting.
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Originally Posted By: Ephesos
Some people still need to level up. You know who you are.

Okay, okay... tongue

Click to reveal..

Esstra Seaborne

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 5
Max Health: 13 HP (+3)

Magic (Conjuration): 5 (+1)
Religion: 3
Martial (Hammer): 2
First Aid: 2
Artifice: 2 (+1)

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Don't forget, The Blood Marsh goes tomorrow, January 22nd, 5pm-ish CST! And if you still haven't filled out the new calendar, please do so, as it will decide when the next session(s) will be.


Also, from the Selos side of Mote, we have some unfortunate news. Due to unmitigable circumstances, w-dueck is dropping out of the campaign, which leaves Telaverin without a controller. Basically, what it comes down to is this. Either someone else can take over playing Telaverin (post here or PM me if interested), or she can be shepherded out of the story by none other than myself at the next opportunity. If the latter occurs, we would have another spot in the party open.


Have a pleasant day, and look for exciting and new things to occur in tomorrow's session. smile


Originally Posted By: A peasant of Mekos
Tell you what, my cousin said there's a dragon in the marsh. Of course, he hasn't been quite right since that snapter took his ear off, but he said he saw it flyin' over the marsh like it owned the place. 'Course, no idea what it's eatin' out there, unless it likes zombies.
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