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Name That Bitter Fairly-Oldbie

Mea Tulpa

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I am now thinking there will be five rounds of this altogether. The quotes in question here were all posted in 2004 or in early 2005. Many are out of character. All show irritation. Guess which member posted them? The usual caveat applies: no google, in this case, no googling PPP.


1. I'd fill this one out, but I'm too lazy and it lacks amusing questions for me to pretend to be witty with. Alorael


2. I think we can all agree that the death of an 8-year-old would be a small, small price to pay in exchange for you never being born. Thuryl


3. Throughout this discussion it strikes me that few of you, pro or contra, seem to have any idea of a woman's reality. If you had, you could not argue as you do; you are as far removed from a woman's feelings and thoughts as you can possibly be. Ef


4. If you're going to write an article, how the heck are you supposed to do it without expressing an opinion? Geez. Creator


5. Okay, he's changed it, and I'm good with it. But either a. you didn't recognize what the original was criticizing, b. you didn't pay enough attention to realize that his edit came after my post, or c. you read his original and were honestly in favor of that sort of tab-A slot-B approach to RPs. A and B are excusable if annoying, but C I'm not going to put up with. Please stop trying to score points off of me. Alec


6. In fact, when I think about how obviously superior you are, it strikes me as cruel how you've yet to do anything with that superiority except tell us about it. Maybe you're put off by the hostility here. I know I'm pretty abrasive sometimes, but I'd like to be the first one to humble myself a bit. Please, please... show us the error of our arrogant, inexperienced ways. Sarachim


7. The "whiney guy" part didn't bother me half as much as the second line. What IS the matter with these people? Don't they know that Windows users can't open .sit files? Shyguy


8. ^_-

May the anime smiley fry all unprotected brains.

And I was driven to do it by my biology! Saunders


9. I find that most of you have no knowledge of the historical events surrounding the birth of Christianity in the Mediterranean world. I hate waving my degree around, but I didn't learn Ancient Greek and Latin, translate 3/4 of the Gospels, and spend 3/4 of my college credits pursuing a degree in Classical history and language to be refuted by a born-again fellow who's been spoon-fed a bigotted interpretation. Drew


10. Don't be so mad at me all the time. I'm just a guy sitting in his basement. You'd like me if you met me. Spidweb

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Originally Posted By: Fidelity, Anxiety, Frivolity
1. I'd fill this one out, but I'm too lazy and it lacks amusing questions for me to pretend to be witty with.

This is the sort of thing I would say, but I'm not sure if I said it. Eh, let's say it was me.

2. I think we can all agree that the death of an 8-year-old would be a small, small price to pay in exchange for you never being born.

This is also the sort of thing I would say, but I'm pretty sure I didn't say it. I'm not sure who else would, though. Alec?

3. Throughout this discussion it strikes me that few of you, pro or contra, seem to have any idea of a woman's reality. If you had, you could not argue as you do; you are as far removed from a woman's feelings and thoughts as you can possibly be.

This is one of the old German hippie women: either ef or spy.there. I'm gonna guess ef.

4. If you're going to write an article, how the heck are you supposed to do it without expressing an opinion? Geez.

I hope I didn't write this one.

5. Okay, he's changed it, and I'm good with it. But either a. you didn't recognize what the original was criticizing, b. you didn't pay enough attention to realize that his edit came after my post, or c. you read his original and were honestly in favor of that sort of tab-A slot-B approach to RPs. A and B are excusable if annoying, but C I'm not going to put up with. Please stop trying to score points off of me.

not gonna try to guess who was participating in terrible SW RPs in 2004

6. In fact, when I think about how obviously superior you are, it strikes me as cruel how you've yet to do anything with that superiority except tell us about it. Maybe you're put off by the hostility here. I know I'm pretty abrasive sometimes, but I'd like to be the first one to humble myself a bit. Please, please... show us the error of our arrogant, inexperienced ways.

Was this me? I kinda hope it was, but I somehow suspect not.

7. The "whiney guy" part didn't bother me half as much as the second line. What IS the matter with these people? Don't they know that Windows users can't open .sit files?

Not even gonna try to guess. Probably some nobody. Now I'm gonna be embarrassed when I find out it's Alcritas.

8. ^_-
May the anime smiley fry all unprotected brains.
And I was driven to do it by my biology!


9. I find that most of you have no knowledge of the historical events surrounding the birth of Christianity in the Mediterranean world. I hate waving my degree around, but I didn't learn Ancient Greek and Latin, translate 3/4 of the Gospels, and spend 3/4 of my college credits pursuing a degree in Classical history and language to be refuted by a born-again fellow who's been spoon-fed a bigotted interpretation.

It's gotta be Kelandon.

10. Don't be so mad at me all the time. I'm just a guy sitting in his basement. You'd like me if you met me.

This is Jeff.
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Originally Posted By: Spddin Ignis
is 8 artemis?

No. Artemis wasn't even around yet!

1 is definitely me. I apologize for the terminal preposition. (In the event that it is not, in fact, me, I will perforce retract the apology and replace it with an apology for assuming.)

2 absolutely has to be Thuryl. No one else would phrase it that way.

—Alorael, who has nothing else to contribute that hasn't already been said. He also hereby resolves to become more quotable.
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Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
Is 9 Kelandon?

No. But don't worry -- everyone else probably thought it was him too (see below). Kelandon would probably point out that he didn't yet have a degree to wave around.
Originally Posted By: Sarachim
7 is Shyguy. 6 sounds like me.

Yes. Yes!
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
10. Alec?

Originally Posted By: Dantius
Either 1 or 6 is ET. 4 is maybe Jeff.

No, no, no.
Originally Posted By: Spddin Ignis
is 8 artemis?

As you have figured out by now, no.
Originally Posted By: Thuryl
1. This is the sort of thing I would say, but I'm not sure if I said it. Eh, let's say it was me.
2. This is also the sort of thing I would say, but I'm pretty sure I didn't say it. I'm not sure who else would, though. Alec?
3. This is one of the old German hippie women: either ef or spy.there. I'm gonna guess ef.
4. I hope I didn't write this one.
6. Was this me? I kinda hope it was, but I somehow suspect not.
7. Not even gonna try to guess. Probably some nobody. Now I'm gonna be embarrassed when I find out it's Alcritas.
8. Arctic.
9. It's gotta be Kelandon.
10. This is Jeff.

No, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no (see above), yes (and yes to Nikki as well on #10).
Originally Posted By: Untrammeled Spiritual Harrowing
1 is definitely me. 2 absolutely has to be Thuryl. No one else would phrase it that way.

Yes and yes!

This leaves 4, 5, 8, and 9.
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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
If you're going to write an article, how the heck are you supposed to do it without expressing an opinion? Geez.

TM wrote this in response to a persons critisim of a BoA guide about Rollic, iirc

Close. Creator wrote it in response to criticism of Drakey's choices/linearity article.
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Originally Posted By: Immaterialist Assault Group
Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
If you're going to write an article, how the heck are you supposed to do it without expressing an opinion? Geez.

TM wrote this in response to a persons critisim of a BoA guide about Rollic, iirc

Close. Creator wrote it in response to criticism of Drakey's choices/linearity article.

I'm claiming half-a-point for getting Drakey. tongue
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Originally Posted By: Poached Salmon
Not really. The creator of the games is Spidweb. The Creator is a completely different person.

And both are quoted.

—Alorael, who believes, although he actually isn't sure he's correct, that The Creator and Ash Lael had already bifurcated by the time of that posting.
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It's by no means clear that the Creator is acknowledged as a Spiderweb Oldbie. On the Yes side, there's the whole eternal-ground-of-being-and-source-of-all-reality argument. But on the No side, She just hasn't posted here much. On balance She's probably only entitled to Omnipresent Lurker status.

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