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My progress...[G5]

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Currently, I am a level 26 Shaper (The actual Shaper class),

that just reached the Storm Plains.

I have 2 strength

Three Dex

11 Int

4 End


1 Melee Weapon

4 Missle Weapon

1 Quick Action

0 Parry

3 Battle Magic

5 Mental Magic

6 Blessing Magic


4 Fire Shaping

12 Battle Shaping

3 Magic Shaping

7 Healing Craft

9 Leadership

10 Mechanics

5 luck

I have 307 Essence

234 Health

465 Energy


I currently utilize a level 41 Battle Beta, and a level 28 Wingbolt.


How am I currently doing?

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As a shock trooper, Dikiyoba's goal upon entering the Storm Plains is to get a horde of powerful creations as soon as possible. Since you've invested in battle shaping, rotdhizons will be pretty good creations. A cryodrayk probably wouldn't be that bad either if you make it right away. You're definitely going to want more intelligence before long.

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