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A collection of shaper information.

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Hopefully you have read the thread "a bit of a story..." and know that i am writeing a story based around geneforge. I have started this tread because i would like to keep my information gathering and the story and reveiws seperate. So i have come up with a slight problem on lack of information and would like it if you have any infomation on the history of the shapers (how they started and the early years of the shaper empire and such) this is the first step of Saraph's apprenticeship, to learn the history of the shapers. I would also like you to share all that you know on the process of training the apprntices. Thank you all in advance and feel free to argue between yourselves as this will allow me to reason between the different ideas and allow me to draw a conclusion.

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Try looking here at the Genewiki, a community effort to establish a Geneforge wiki. I'm pretty sure that I've got something about this to at Danette's Library, which is a wiki run by me and a few other people about Geneforge. I don't remember for sure though.


But basically, an Apprentice is recruited by a Shaper to be trained, much like you wrote about, because they show loyalty to the Shapers and that they seem to have a knack for creations. They are than taken to a school, such as Greenwood Academy, where they are teached the very basics of the Shapers, such as history, creations, magic and such. After that, they are sent to do small, unimportant jobs, like going with an Agent to check in on distant colonies, or helping to colonize lands the Shapers have recently taken. Sometimes they get a guide or master to go with them, sometimes they don't. Depends on the mission. Afterwards, they are actually taught how to Shape basic creations, such as Thahds or Arilas, and taught how to cast simple spells, like Daze or War Blessing. After this, they are sent to a Training Grounds, which are usually near the school itself, where they must overcome obstacles a Shaper would commonly face with Combat or Stealth, Mechanics, and Leadership, or a mixture of the three. If they survive, they get their final powers and are sent out by the council to do their biding.

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