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Geneforge 1: Spirit temple entry?

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I have read thru the Matt P. walkthrough for Geneforge 1, but he seems really reluctant to divulge how to complete the old tribe rituals to be completed in order to enter the big temple in the Spirit City. I have seen stone pillars scattered around the Sucia landscape including some interesting configurations such as stone circles and pairs of columns with a bowls at their bases, and some of the writings have hinted at people worshiping an animal or boulder, and that they liked to breed sheep. I have found some pillars with flat spots on them, but only got one to not shock me when I touched it. But beyond that, I cannot decipher the rituals that Matt P. infers should be obvious in order to enter the big temple without being shocked to death within a couple rounds. (I haven't seen any sheep on Sucia, and wouldn't know what to do with it if I did find one.)


I tried to do a search on this forum to see if someone else has asked for the answer for this, but could not find one, nor have I found another walkthrough for Geneforge 1 other than Matt P.'s version. If this topic has already been covered, can someone send me a link, or if you are kind enough, can you give me some hints so that I might complete this mysterious gargantuan task?


Can't stand not being able to solve a mystery,


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The only pillars you need to pay attention to for the ritual are the ones you can touch. The ritual starts with touching the pillar in the Drayk's Vale (the one that doesn't shock you). From there, I think you need to touch the pillars in the Ancient Crypt, Diarazad, Junkyard, Dry Wastes, Western Wastes, Valley of the Wind, and Spirit City in that order. If you're doing the ritual correctly, the pillars won't shock you. If one of them does shock you, you'll need to start the ritual at the beginning again (or just save before touching any pillars and reload the game if necessary).


Dikiyoba has not seen any sheep in any Geneforge game. They must be smarter than they look, to stay out of the way of all the chaos.

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