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G-2 Money, Money, Money!

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Finished second time around on G-5, most enjoyable, and am revisiting G-2. Joined the Awakening and am trying to obtain all of Tuldaric's spells. Cleaned me out of nine grand before the fourth one! Is there any other way to get money in G-2 except selling to merchants? I'm starting to recall why I gave up the first time around!

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The big thing is to budget yourself. Don't buy things just because they're there. Only buy a spell if it really seems useful and even then one level should suffice. Along with that, there is no reason to buy a creation that you will never use.


Keeping such things in mind, it is easy enough to budget oneself and reduce the coin shortage issue to a minor inconvenience.

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Thanks, Randomizer, it's a pain in the butt collecting 8 or nine items and then running back to some merchant or other for a relative pittance compared to the price of spells!


To all the rest, thanks but a simple no would have been more to the point of my question.....

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
He's never actually said it, but it's a reoccurring complaint about money shortages. Avernum 5 had some adjustments made during beta testing to reduce training costs to address the problem so he may just not be aware about how much people spend.

It probably doesn't help that later games have more minor items that are unsellable, so it's harder to earn money now than it used to be.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
This is why you need to waste time picking up almost everything that isn't nailed down and selling it.
Almost everything? You name it, I sell it, unless it has absolutely no value. Hence my reputation as a pack rat.

Originally Posted By: Geezer
Is there any other way to get money in G-2 except selling to merchants?
There are a few monsters (humanoids in particular) that will sometimes drop a little cash when killed.
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From memory, Geneforge 2 isn't so bad money-wise simply because there are very few opportunities to pay for training in skills early on. In fact, one of the trainers for the Barzites will train you in as many points of Quick Action as you desire, irrelevant of how many skill points you invested in Quick Action previously. I don't remember ever having financial troubles, although I did take Master1's advice of 'budgeting'. Purchasing two levels of a spell (or even one, if you can find a canister) is wasteful, except for the dirt cheap spells (war blessing). Purchasing levels of lousy creations (battle alpha, drakon) is wasteful. Buying anything from a merchant is wasteful.


On the other hand, Avernum 5 has many opportunities to pay for training in skills early on, and this really hamstrings your characters for a major portion of the game, as you have to hold off training in those skills to accumulate the necessary gold. It takes forever to amass the gold required to pay for 3 points of nature lore, first aid and hardiness for each character, and 3 points of spellcraft and magery for your casters. Note that we haven't even considering spells you might be tempted to purchase, and items that you may want to craft.


If you're min-maxing in A4/A5, gold is the limiting factor.

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If you're talking about cheating, it's easier to install the editor and give yourself more money when needed. I've done it, even though i'm not proud of it... It beats all the running back and forth lugging javelins and all the other junk to make a few coins, now i just leave that stuff. My rule of thumb is to not bother with any 'loot' that is worth less than my character's level.

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Originally Posted By: Doctor J
If you're talking about cheating, it's easier to install the editor and give yourself more money when needed. I've done it, even though i'm not proud of it... It beats all the running back and forth lugging javelins and all the other junk to make a few coins, now i just leave that stuff. My rule of thumb is to not bother with any 'loot' that is worth less than my character's level.

Where can i find this editor?
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Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin
you could just use Shift+D and type "i am poor"

that takes too much time, besides my trainer has way more you can freeze your skill points, change your level, have unlimited weapons, unlimited living tools, and of course godmode.
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