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Nieve Novice Newbie asks dumb questions...

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I just got turned on to GeneForge, and am in the early stages of GF1. But there are a couple things I'm having problems with understanding the interface.


#1 - I don't understand how to use javelins, or thorns (or other distance weapons). When I try to select them, I just get a window asking me 'how many?', and then whatever I try, they wind up on the ground at my feet. How do I throw them at enemies? Are thorns used as a weapon on their own, or do you load the wand things with them?


#2 - I have met 3 vendors in the game so far, but there is no 'trading' that I can see, only buying. As many objects as I've collected, I'd like to sell some of them off for extra coin. How do I get the vendors to buy my objects?


Sure to have more stupid novice questions soon, Boomphkitty

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1. Click the number of javelins you want, and than click on your character portrait. The Javelings will now be selected as your weapon. As for the Baton, just click the baton, and not the thorn's, and do the same with the Baton.


2. When you're in the buying screen, look at your portrait to the right, and look at the inventory. Now you will see how many items can be sold and for how much. Be careful though; the shops only have so much money.


Glad to see you like Geneforge. Trust me, you're in for a fun ride.


The Last Archon

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1. Batons use different thorns with the damage increasing with the better batons. For instance:


Thorn baton - thorns

Venom baton - venom thorns


2. Also when you join a faction, then the prices will change and some merchants won't trade with you because you aren't in their faction. So take you time in joining a side.

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