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Salassar will attack you no matter what, but you can get him to fight you without help. Maybe that's what you're thinking of? There's also Eessarian in the guest chambers, whom you can avoid fighting through stealth.


I think Salassar's death is probably canon because Khressia mentions him by name in G5 and realizes that Ghaldring is trying to dispose of him in the same way.

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It's not possible to win G4 without killing Salassar, so there's no reason for it not to be canon. And the Khressia dialog is confirmation.


Ghaldring was perhaps the most impressive feature of G4, because he was the big 'Dun dun DUN!' in the ending texts of G2 and G3, so there was this huge buildup. It was hard to imagine that he could possibly live up to expectations if he was just another drakon whom you eventually got to kill. By making him this master intriguer, instead of just giving him 2000 hit points, Jeff managed to make Ghaldring scarey. I love the fact after you kill Salassar, Ghaldring makes a point of telling you to pay your respects at his coffin. When you do, you will of course find and take his Perfect Drakon Skin, and then forge it into an artifact. So while playing the role of honorable drakon respecting his fallen rival, Ghaldring is ensuring that Salassar gets turned into boots for a human or servile.


Is Ghaldring's respect act for the benefit of unseen drakon eavesdroppers? Or is he trying to impress you with drakon solidarity? Or is he mainly keen to show you how terrible his vengeance is, without stooping to telling you in so many words to wear a fellow drakon on your feet? Or is he just indulging his own grim sense of humor?


It was confusion like this, engendered by a simple script, that made Ghaldring downright disturbing in G4. It's almost a disappointment that in G5 he has turned into an ordinary Bob / Boss. Almost, I'd say; because it couldn't really be otherwise, if you're going to get the closure of either winning for Ghaldring, or seeing him die.

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I think that in GF5, a lieutenant of Ghladring should have been in charge of the Ghladring faction up until the end of the game. For the Shaper/Trakovite/Astoria endings you finally meet him in the final battle where you kill him. For the Rebels the lieutenant gives you all the missions all the way up to the last mission, at which point you are let into inner Gazaki-Uss and Ghladring gives you the quest.


Obviously it has it's own flaws but I think it helps maintain the mysterious aura around Ghladring much better.

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Ratt: I would have prefered something like that as well. Akhari Blaze would have fit the bill perfectly in the regards to a lieutenant. I still like Ghaldring's character despite this (though, Alwan is my favorite. His wittyness is even more pleasing than an Agent)


The Last Archon

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