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invading unbound fort gorash-kel[G5]

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in the fens near mera astoria's sage gives the quest to invade unbound fortress and kill the unbound there.

i am a lvl 23 lifecrafter(same as shaper)and i did the first part of this quest (where we had to kill one unbound) using 3 corrupted thahds.

but the unbound in the fort itself are lot tougher right?(i had killed the 2 unbound who patrol the north-west fen and helft ruins nd they were very easy)

what lvl do u think i need to reach and what creations should i be able to make to complete the quest?:(

part of the problem is the unbound acidifies/curses/slows/charms my creations and if i give them intelligence i dont have enogh essence to make many

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You probably need to be in your 40s for level and use higher level creations like war tralls, etc. Make sure you can cast essence shackles to slow the unbound down and reduce the number of attacks.


Range attacks will help keep you out of the area effects and each unbound has a different group of area effect attacks. In theory if you have high enough armor and resistances, then you pin the unbound in place with your own character and have your creations attack from safety. Then heal yourself and do an occasional attack to speed up the process.

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Boxing those lizards in Melee with creations can also help. Since you're a Lifecrafter, its suicidal for you to go in too close. Follow Randomizer's advise with sticking with range attacks. Having Rotghroth's to surround the scaled monsters near a wall or fen gulp can also help. Up close, an Unbound is much less threatening with its melee attack. Wingbolts, Kyshakks, or War Tralls are all very good creations to use. In fact, having a mix is a good idea.


As for a time frame, come back after you've completed the Drakon quest from General Alwan. By that time, you should be just strong enough to defeat the Unbound once and for all.


Hope this helps.


The Last Archon

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I did it with a level 42 shaper, with well leveled creations: 2 rothgoths, 1 clawbug, 1 drayk, and 1 wingbolt.


They all survived. Mass Cure Affliction, Mass Heal, Banish Affliction, Regeneration Aura, Battle Aura, Speed, Shield, Major Heal, Bless all came in very handy. I think I may have used 1 or 2 essence pods too.


The hardest part was the very beginning, where it was easy to get stuck fighting 2 unbounds at the same time. Pick them off one at a time, and it's very doable.




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