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Shaping expanded[G5]

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Besides making a hideout fort to defend from rebel attacks...


Full shaping, like what real shapers can do would be nice. That would include serviles, minds, podlings, and so forth, as well as the ability to augment creations during the shaping process, or however you get the cool creations that shapers can make but we can't.

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What if you could shape short lived viruses to infect enemies, or use shaping to cause status effects to enemies.


For example: Being able to focus on a foe, and with some concentration, cause them to become extremely fatigued, or break a limb.


Or, shape a virus in the middle of combat, infecting one enemy, lasting for a certain number of rounds, any other enemy that came within a certain distance of an infected creature would also contract the virus. Viruses could cause any number of things, from status ailments, stat penalties, to straight damage. Since you created the virus, you and your creations would be immune, and after a short period of time, the virus would self destruct to prevent it from spreading out of control.


The art of shaping has so many potential uses, I think just about anything one could imagine could be done.

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All of those would work best as spells, and many of them already more or less do. There's a reason agents are Shapers too.


—Alorael, who supposes it might also be because the shapers can't be bothered to deal with every problem and there are only so many guardians. But agents are still important and loved too!

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it would be cool if we could leave our creations in an area. Like in the pens or something. then leave the area without our creations. It would also be cool to build a fortress where you could do shaping. shape turrets and mines to defend it. And once in a while the enemy attacks you and you have to fend it off. In this fortress you could shape a servent mind to control everything and you could use clawbugs to dig,, so you could expand underground.

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Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin
It would also be cool to build a fortress where you could do shaping. shape turrets and mines to defend it. And once in a while the enemy attacks you and you have to fend it off. In this fortress you could shape a servent mind to control everything and you could use clawbugs to dig,, so you could expand underground.

Welcome to my fantasy world (well, one of two), please check your reality at the mystic portal.
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It would be nice to be be able to create more than 7 creations. There could be another bar telling you how much mental energy you have and when you level up in a skill then you can make more creations. Lastly it would be really cool to stay in a shaper/rebel keep, and use the farseeing crystals to fight the enemy in a different area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being able to modify existing creation templates would be awesome - running around with an army of superfyoras/cryoas that are 5x the normal size to terroize all who stand in your way... or just bug you a bit... would be absolutely awesome laugh


Not to mention that they'd be almost exactly like your standard fire/ice breathing T-Rex smile

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