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Does It Get Less Tedious?[G5]

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Made it through the Mara-Tev with My Shaper, and am now going through the Farmlands in the Storm Plains.


The constant back and forth to store loot, with the annoying fast travel interruption over the mountains is really getting to me, as well as all the trash encounters and loot.


Maybe Wingbolts will make it more interesting than my Clawbugs, Rotghroth, and Beta?


The Shaper mainly heals and buffs while the creations do the dirty work...


ALSO! Is there a way to inspect your creation's resistances and armor?

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As for tedium, all I can say is this. Move all of your loot to a city in the lower map. Use the travel breaks to get a snack. Don't carry things with you that you won't use.


Creations: get used to it. You're a shaper, you're only good for buffs, healing, and mental magic.


Stats: None that I'm aware of.

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Thanks for the replies!


Sorry for sounding pissy, I was in bad mood...


It's the moving of loot that's really irritating.


All crafting stuff is up by the forge in the Testing Halls.


I'll try finding a few good chests in Kratoa-Kel! smile


I replaced my alpha with another Rotghroth and a Clawbug (about level 35) with a WingThing.


Things are going much faster!


Are any the creation upgrades and stat boosts worth it?

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The sad truth is that most of the stuff you might pile up will never be used. And most of the stuff you carry around is also pointless. As the game goes on, for instance, many people accumulate lots of charms. Okay, they're great; but many are not really so great. 3% fire resistance isn't very important when you're level 45. Better to just sell it.


Less stuff, more fun!

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Yeah, I decided to store all the specific damage resistance items (rings, cloaks, boots, etc) that didn't help my creations. It is VERY rare that my shaper ever gets damaged, so defensive items like these are nearly useless.


So what's left are items that:

- give resistances to creations

- increase attributes of creations

- add to skills (spellcraft, healing, blessing, battle magic, and shaping)

- increase attributes of the PC (anything with intelligence boosts in particular)

- are healing and curing pods/spores (although the non-group items perhaps should be stored, they are VERY rarely used)

- are essence pods (a MUST for overwhelming odds)

- are charms

- increase mechanics, leadership, sneaking, and luck

- plus a few emergency offensive items (wand of death, slow); RARELY if ever used


Now more than half my inventory is open for looting. Muuuuch better!


I may re-inventory some of the other group enhancing pods/spores that I never use, but could be useful in a pinch. Some I have no idea what they do, like berserker and chaotic pods.


I've been using almost all the magic skills, except mental doesn't seem to be very effective offensively. DIrect damage spells are used just occasionally for the extremes (cleanup with no essence spells for easy opponents, and helping to take down overwhelming enemies with lightning aura).


My favorite is battle aura + speed + protection + war blessing to weaken/slow/stun enemies with creation attacks. Apply acid and poison all around with a Clawbug and Rotghroths. Sometimes switching to regeneration aura after using battle aura for particularly damaging opponents once the enemies have been weakened/slowed. All creations have at least 2 intelligence for control.


Also, I never let a creation die. Keeping leveled creations seems like a no brainer until you can create something better.

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Originally Posted By: Thrasher

I may re-inventory some of the other group enhancing pods/spores that I never use, but could be useful in a pinch. Some I have no idea what they do, like berserker and chaotic pods.

Chaotic spores randomly gives each party member either essence shield, essence armor, or essence blade. Nice for large groups of creations for increased protection or damage. Lasts for the zone or debuffed.

Shielding pod casts essence armor, but usually at a lower level than you can do yourself by mid game.

Berserker pods/spores casts blessing and shielding for a short time.
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