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Charmed Falchion or Frozen Blade?[G5]

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I'm playing as a stoic warrior, and I'm try to decide which melee weapon I should use.


Frozen Blade:

13-65 damage

Curses every hit

+15% to hit

+10% cold resistance


Charmed Falchion:

11-55 damage

+5 luck

+8 to hostile effect resistance

+2 to creation intelligence



Frozen Blade curses every hit and does slightly more damage, but the Charmed Falchion has an awesome defense bonus (+5 to luck and +8 to hostile effect resistance!) +2 to creation intelligence isn't that important, since I'm not using any creations whose attacks are a drain on spell energy.


I'm also wondering what blessing crystal to add. Golden Crystal for the boost to damage, or Runed Onyx, for the slow effect?

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I'd recomend going with the charmed falchion, and then adding it with a Runed Onyx. You'd get the cursing advantage of the Frozen Blade now plus the +5 to luck and +8 to resistances. The +10 for cold osn't a huge loss, nor is the slight deduction of damage.


Just so you know, here are some of the effects of luck that I know of;


- Increases resistances

- Adds to your to-hit ratio

- Helps you act sooner in combat (Like Quick Action or Dexterity)


The Last Archon

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Dahak has a page on item crafting that gives the gist of what every blessing item does. You'll have to scroll down a bit to find it, though.


The additional creation intelligence also helps creations resist mental effects such as charming.


Dikiyoba forgets the exact bonuses luck gives you, but Dikiyoba doesn't think it's very impressive.

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Luck gives you a bonus to all resistances, including armour. It also increases your chance to hit (by 2%, from memory), and increases your reaction time in combat.


It also turns out that the combined Hostile Resistance and Luck from the Charmed Falchion give you a bigger boost to Cold Resistance than the +10% cold resistance granted by the Frozen Blade. Wow.


Charmed Falchion wins hands down.

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The blades are both good, but I would choose the frozen blade because of the effect on the enemy. The Charmed Falchion gives better resistance, but if you use the runed onyx on the frozen blade, the your enemy is both cursed and slowed. Maybe you could keep the Falchion in you quick slot, so after you curse and slow an enemy, then you could take out the falchion (maybe with the golden crystal to up its power) and use that sword to kill it, or if the effects wear off, you could always switch back to redo them.

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Originally Posted By: Drakefyre
Thuryl, I *just* tested it. You hit them, you get the "xxx was covered in acid" message, and they get lingering acid damage (60+ points).

Yes, I just tested it as well and can confirm that this is correct.

Maybe there is a difference between the Mac and Windows versions?
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That's possible, but more likely it is a difference between G5 and previous games. I *know* the acid enhancement does not cause acid drip in G3, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't in G4 either.


It is HIGHLY IRRITATING that there are so many little game mechanics changes like this in between every single game in SW series. It is so hard to keep track of this crap.

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