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unstable creations[G5]

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I'm getting near the end of a Shock Trooper Rebel game on Torment, and I've found myself using the unstable creations quite a lot. For several tough late-game zones I had two quite experienced Rotdhizons (level 56), three War Tralls, and I'd make two fresh Shock Tralls on entering a new zone. A regeneration aura and the occasional heal would keep the Shocks from decaying, and their high speed and doubled, heavy attacks were awfully nice. Kind of vulnerable, compared to the Rots and regular Tralls, but since they won't survive the zone anyway, that's not such a problem.


Since then, for various reasons, I've ended up fielding four or five Shock Tralls at a time. I don't see much stunning effect on Torment, but their speed and damage seem to be worth it.


(War story from a challenge zone)

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I finally lost my long-preserved Rotdhizons to Samman and his nasties. (The bad thing was that I'd forgotten all about the Wormhost Rotdhizon, and it came racing over to help out Samman.) In fact I lost all seven creations, having aborted a retreat in favor of an all-out counterattack, and I barely got my own lifecrafting carcass safely behind a shed door before that worm factory Rotdhizon caught me. But Samman was out of his dome, very low on health, and petrified with terror. So I drained a dozen long-hoarded Essence pods, made three fresh Shock Tralls, and sent them out to nail the photosynthesizing bastard while he was still hurt. They got him, and one of them lasted long enough against the intervening Thuggish Tralls to flip me a long Hail Mary pass — the Omnicharm. (That is, I picked it up on my turn as I was leaving the zone pursued by Samman's vengeful cryodrayk, because my Shock Trall was standing near it, half the zone away. Shock Tralls really do have good arms.)


On return visits to clean out the rest of the island, I made as many as five Shock Tralls to take out the Wormhost's neighboring Eyebeasts and what not. Then I went back with five Unstable Firebolts and two normal Tralls, to slay the lone Rotdhizon itself. I wound up killing the last few Oozing Crawlers alone with my Puresteel Blade, without too many health points left. Maybe normal Wingbolts would actually have been better, but two blasts per round from each Firebolt turned out to be enough.

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I know what you mean. Unstable Creations are very useful now; much more than they were in G4. In fact, I think its totally possible to have a shaper runthrough just using unstable creations.


One unstable story

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I had just gotten access to the storm planes when I remembered Rawal's bedroom and the stuff that was in it. I was already planing to reabsorb my clawbugs and reshape some Glaahks, so there was no fuss when my critters went bye bye. As I approached the room, I reconsidered and absorbed my two Glaahks and Battle Alpha's, and shaped a hoard of seven Corrupted thahds. I sent them into the room, surronding the Spire guardian. It was a tough fight, with high casualties (five thahds, some chaotic spores, a few healing spores, and a pack of venom thorns) but I managed to kill the monster (and net me some EXP


Another unstable story

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It was high noon, and I was just getting ready to steal me a Forbiden Band from the sack of cornea's in the Western wastelands. In my army were two rotghroths, a war trall, and a Wingbolt. I did have some left over essence, so I shaped up some Firebolts and one Burning Kyshakk. The battle was bloody and gruesome, and many a podling fell by my creations claws. In the end, the gazer was suffering from the acid of my fallen rotghroths, two charmed podlings, and had been hurt by my now deceased War Trall. However, in the end, my Firebolts killed the thing with the left over lightning aura, and my Burning Kyshakk even destroyed the last of the podlings with little trouble.


One last unstable story

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Huge creations screaming, the Shaper Citadel was in flames. The battle was nearly won, with the side shapers now dead and one of the crystals on Shema and the crystal protecting Sharissa. I went in with my three Rotdhizons and my one surviving Wingbolt. With the last of my essence (and suckling down nearly all of my essence pods) I made a hoard of Shock Tralls that had had their strength and endurance pumped high. With my go ahead, the Drakons attacked. The battle was furious and difficult. Sharissa fell without much trouble, Nawaz was the one who killed off two of my Rots with his area attack and his horrid baton. My Shock Tralls were now concentraiting all their might on Shema. The Drakons had fallen, and Akhari Blaze was near death. My Shock Trooper had to step in with her baton. I used up nearly all of my spores, and by the time Nawaz had fallen, Shema was near death, thanks to my Shock Tralls. My Rots and Wingbolt were dead, and with a thunderous stomp, so was Akhari. I just barely killed Shema with the last of my Shock Tralls. Everything was dead around me, but in the end, it was just me and one Shock Trall


The worst creation in the game, methinks, is the Charged Vlish. It's worth the price of three Vlish, has about the same amount of health, same level, and same damage. WTF?


The Last Archon

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Huh, I haven't made it to the ending yet; sounds epic.

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I'm doing everything I possibly can to leach experience, except maybe for taking out the Trakovites, before starting in on killing Councilors. This way, I hope, I can end the game at full power, instead of ending the plot and then tacking on the challenge zones as an afterthought.
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