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Lerman's Pass[G5]


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It's becoming quite an obsession for me. Of course, some of you have passed through it pre-Kratoa or even the whole Mera itself but my question is: How?


I did it using 2 Alphas, 2 Glaahks, a Plated Artila, and a Vlish for the first gauntlets then changed them to corrupted thahds for Talis-Eye(6 corrupted thahds, 4 with maxed strength points and 2 with four points in it, all controllable). I was lucky to have three of them have Essence Blade. It took a few reloads but I managed to take down the eye, running out to escape the worms because the remaining thahds were either dying or terrified. So yeah, that's how I did it.


I'm interested if it's possible doing this solo, with a Warrior, with no creations.

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The most important thing to do (and not what I did the first time) is getting the Eye out of the room full of turrets. Especially as a singleton you don't want to waste your time with killing them or your health with being shot by them. After that it's just a test of endurance (and Endurance).


—Alorael, who managed the fight the first time by having six creations and using three of them for turret control. The other three backed the Eye into a corner. His lifecrafter stood back and kept everyone buffed and healed. It took many tries and many pods, but it worked.

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Originally Posted By: Xyzzy Gillespie
—Alorael, who managed the fight the first time by having six creations and using three of them for turret control. The other three backed the Eye into a corner. His lifecrafter stood back and kept everyone buffed and healed. It took many tries and many pods, but it worked.

This is more or less what I did, except it only took a couple of attempts. Mind you, I was using War Tralls at the time, so that should tell you something about how hard the fight is.
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It IS intended to clear later in the game.


I was just curious if how others did clear it pre-Astoria's questline(of course, if possible almost pre-Mera, to which I did, only clearing a few area for easier travel time[and some of the areas only needed to be passed through to be cleared]).



The screenie shows that I both have the keys acquirable in the pass. Note how there are few special items and note what spells I have on my quick bar(namely Firebolt, Minor Heal, War Blessing, and Daze, respectively). I just reached 25th level when I entered the pass(I was 20 when I left the Whitespires) and left at 26.

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Even a singleton can do it. Just lure Talis-Eye outside and hit them with wrack and slow. Then shove a pointy thing in the big eye. Charm and/or daze any worms that show up to the fight. The key is forcing the Eye into a corner so the weaker melee attack occurs.


The remaining turrets are left as an exercise to the reader. smile

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Just did it with my Agent, Lvl 44. Have gone through about half of Stormplains, not entered Rebel-lands except to pick up an amulet and Black Pearl Talisman. I find Agent to be far easier to play than a Shaper, and I am considering writing small walkthrough about it.


I did it with two Rotdhizons, buffed. Just lured the eye outside of his room, then ganked him with the Rots in a corner, and my Agent just healed their damage.

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Sorry for my off-topicish question, but I must ask:


Originally Posted By: Azuma Velius

I did it using 2 Alphas, 2 Glaahks, a Plated Artila, corrupted thahds for Talis-Eye(6 corrupted thahds,

How do you make Plated artilas and corrupted thahds??? I finished the game (pro-shaper) and never got more than simple thahds and standard artilas in the shaping menu shocked

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Being pro shaper, you most likely didn't use canisters, at least not many. In order to get upgraded creations, like corrupted thahds and plated artrilas (artrili?), you need to get three levels into the base creation. Since you can only ever train at a trainer two times, the third level is only possible from a few encounters (you start with 1 in fyora and can get another level from a book) or from canisters.

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The upgrades aren't obvious in the menu. When you have three or more points in a creation type a little "plus" button appears on the base creation's picture in the shaping menu. Click that and you get a niftier version.


—Alorael, who of course cannot guarantee niftiness. Some "upgrades" just aren't worthwhile. Most are quite nice, though.

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