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Completing tormet without dying


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Started once again.

Stats at level 2





quick act:4


increase melee by 1 on changing level.


rest is at base value with trait bonus



dex 5


nature lore:1

tool use 5

point remain:2





quick action:1

priest 10


nature lore 4

points 14



mage:int 4

quick a:1



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Hey,where u all are?

You all posted a lot when the game was not started.But now when the game has been started you all are behaving like you not even know that is there any such topic on the forum?!

I am waiting for what you say this time but you all are so quite that i am started to feel that i will wait forever and ever.

It is really very bad feeling when no one reply your post.

So please,i beg to say,write anything you want but at least dont disappear like this.








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I'd spread out nature lore between party members to lower the cost to increase it. Since you have 4 party members those caches add up in providing loot for expenses.


There isn't much to discuss once you start playing unless you want tactics for a particular nasty fight so you won't die.

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I don't know about anybody else, but I am sick of giving you advice when your response is to


1) tell me I'm wrong about things that are in fact correct and 100% proven

2) ignore other advice, despite claiming you appreciate it


Basically, I don't see how I'm being helpful, meanwhile you argue, argue, argue, in posts that are hard to parse, and you talk about how great a player you are and how your incredible skill means you don't have to listen to good advice. Well, most of the advice you will get from is already recorded in Strategy Central. Just read those topics if you want it.


Sorry to be harsh, but this is the truth.

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OK now the time has come when my game will speak.

I will be posting (not editing) here occasionaly to show whatz going on.

I dont think u were so harsh u were really very helpful just like others.

(or most helpful)

not butter polish by God its a truth from my side.

And u are right bcoz i myself said that i wont need help but i was missing every one here.

see u in other threads.

but its a blame that i dont listen.

4 divinely touched by a person who dont wanted a single one proves this.


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Party stats:

level 5



melee 4

pole 11

defense 5

first aid 1

points 3


throw +2 to sharpshooter.

Points 2






+1 int







no change

points 37

+1 to spell craft for every one by lark.


nature lore

i need to tame scuttler so i invested in nature lore.But i can buy it later so i dont spoiled every one's training possibility.

I wont train priest any more in nl throughout the game.



Work:in sorted order.

Apprentice hiricks

Killed goblins.

A friendly giant.

Aid to amirno.

Baquba the arana

and all the neutral wandering creatures and scuttler dungeons

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POLE 11(bladeshield!)

Q A 5












TU 7









QA 1


SC 3









QA 1



SC 9




task done

in sorted order

fortunato's quest(forget name)

rat lord

rat bounty

lowland slime

unstable mass(cast daze at the end of round 4 easy fight)

hartson dock assasin(killed mage ealier no town turned hostile)

20 parchment

mislead superior about shanker

we hate basilisk(2 trip to town,pour acid and run)

ogre thwacking

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level 6.




Q A 5








































QA 1



















QA 1











Northern isle

A gassy brew

Revenge on Ronaldo

Intisar's cauldron(Forget to do at right time)

Dirty Diseree(Forget to do at right time)

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They are what we already discussed i did not mentioned the bonus skill of race and traits as you already know them and i have not changed much level to get bonus.(you are getting for bows and throw,are not you?Ok they are 2 for mage and priest)

to clearify:



elite warrior

dt(for eveyone)


nephil(all three)

elite warrior

3:pure spirit+dt

4:natural mage+dt

You dare to ask?

You were a part of the team which helped me to design the party.Thats your right.


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Slarty's point is that if you list the stats inconsistently, no one can tell what the heck the stats actually are. Then either a bunch of time gets wasted trying to clarify or people just stop paying attention because it's too confusing to be worth figuring out. Pick a method for listing stats and stick with it.



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ok dikiyoba,

ok slarty, i will mention the full stat from next time.



Now i need a help,

How to get girdle of life in fc near highground?

(i missed it last time)

i know that you need to find any spring for that,but I cant find it give full details.




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That's the wrong area to get the girdle of life reward although it has some other nice things.


To find the spring you need to go to the next zone to the east in the Honeycomb Barrens and take a ladder down below. After fighting off the undead there is a place to the west with a lever to a hidden area (the springs).

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I am going to increase the time interval of giving stats.

From now the nasty fights are started and i will talk more about how i did it without dying.

Today i dont play much.

After completing spider quest i went down the rapids.I tried my luck against gremlin but i killed one and my 3 pc died so i dont stop anywhere else.I stop in harkins landing just to complete the mabile quest and get quest from job board and then i keep going the river.So where i was going?I stopped near deadly rapids and leave my boat.Yes this is the safest way to exodus.All i need was to kill just 3 venomous lizard, i keep a safe distance from skarp and entered exodus.

But why i am here?



To meet gorp


i got the armor which gives 34%armor.

I said hello ruth.You are so great,i wanna join dorikas.

Then i go back in harkins landing to learn mass healing.


After this i came back in northern isles to do the venomous mongbat and then...

fc test.

Now you are sure that i will loose.Ok,let us see.

1st fight was easy and i make the fight against worms easy with mass madness scroll.After this,that archer killed my thrower but i manage the fight against assassin without any loss.And then the remenent.

I did this against it:

Enter the door and summon 2 shades.Keep your mage on next side of door and priest as obstacle so that your mage do not died.

While shade keep it busy (just for two rounds)keep hitting it by repel spirit and acid shower then i sacrificed my warrior who was using scrolls.He died in one shot.Priest was on gate so it killed priest 1st,i spray acid(which i already cast 5 times before)and when he was busy in killing priest my mage escaped and hide in corner.Soon he absorb all acid i go again and spray acid.It was low on action point to reach me,i escaped again and this time it was dead.

I used my only return life scroll and it was the time to deal with hortiss.This is very tricky fight and very easy.Let me explain:

fight in usual way till he do not reach to south west platform.Now dont hit him,take your time to heal yourself.Haste your mage and give nephil warblade to mage.Now it will be 2nd to act after warrior(+4 to dexterity).Give the acid shower scroll to archer/thrown alongwith mass madness scroll.Now hit hortiss.Lava bats,are here...Try to reach hortiss with warrior,now spray acid on two bats(by mage),use acid shower scroll by archer for 3rd bat and then mass madness scroll.

They will dazed and charmed,next round they will be charmed but being damage by acid(they are no more dazed),they will fight from your side.

Three lava bat will hit hortiss.

(and they will slowly die by acid)

Congratulation you are victorious.

Any comment?



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Originally Posted By: Randomizer

To find the spring you need to go to the next zone to the east in the Honeycomb Barrens and take a ladder down below. After fighting off the undead there is a place to the west with a lever to a hidden area (the springs).

Too many walking deads places at that area.

Originally Posted By: Abhishek

After completing spider quest i went down the rapids.I tried my luck against gremlin but i killed one and my 3 pc died so i dont stop anywhere else.I stop in harkins landing just to complete the mabile quest and get quest from job board and then i keep going the river

Gremlins require having tough attackers and casters having area spells or other strong spells (I buffed my party and then attacked on those).
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Interesting way of doing the last Fang Clan fight. I don't remember what I did, but I didn't have as hard a time with the earlier fights except the assassin.


Gremlins are a pain, but you can sometimes pick them off one at a time if you are patient to wait for them to move around. You have to come down river at least one more time so you have another chance.

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I am 90% agree with Randomizer for the level of actual difficulty in fight against minions so i would like to defend myself that why i faced somewhat more difficulty than normal.

The biggest reason was carelessness against archer,this is why i loose my thrown against that archer.I am sure that if i reload it was impossible for her to kill my any character but there is no 2nd chance in my game.

The 2nd thing is using mass madness scroll against worms.I did it because this always works for me and makes the fight easy(which is essential for my case).Thus it was not actually difficult.


Remenent(blade horror):Here i

will explain that why i am 90% agree and not 100%.Actually this fight was not actually difficult for me.Note that in description i dont said that i "loosed" my warrior i used the word "sacrificed" clearly it was a part of strategy because it is invulnerable to physical damage and it is hard to stand against it because it gives magic damage and not physical damage so there was a need to sacrifice the CORRECT character so that i can surely win the fight.



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Location:Drake pillars.

Quest done:

Lysstak spies(both).

more busy in killing neural creatures of new area.

Nothing so special today.

However,the money problem is a pain.I am trying my best but i have no luck.I still need to purchase hardiners for everyone,some first aid,some nature lore,8 arcane lore.

Any help for money?

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer

Your money problems don't get better until you reach the Azure Gallery.

and even then money is problem. 1 way to make game harder: monsters don't have "pockets" full of gold so player can't buy all what he needs/wants asap. luckily weapons etc found and got as reward while travelling are good enough (or give good money when sold) so money can be spent on training.
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I am still alive.

Before i come to the actual thing i would like to thank everyone who posted on this thread and most importantly,Slarty,Alorael,Randomizer and Thuryl to help me in designing a good party because the divinely touched is now showing its clear effect with good bows which i have after FC test and 20% is life saver.I would also like to thank to Rowen to advice me to play the game on my own decision which helped me to take decisions like having a thrown and many other small changes.

Now,let us move to actual topic of this post.

Here i am talking about the thrown and bows and comparisons of the damage.By now this is clear to me that 8 and 32 in 8-32 not only contributes to chance of hitting but also to damage.So a simple question arises,"how much?"Can it beat the dice effect if it is too high?(means, can a higher multiple with D3 can beat lower multiple with D4).

I faced this question when i was killing the creatures to whom you can easily kill.My thrower is able to change the tide in boss fights so i am happy with him and i am not going to change my decision to keep a thrower.But in fight against the cute foes he uses bows to save the number of javelins.When he was using cavewood bow,he was doing about ~15 damage and ~25 with composite bow.However after getting ceremonial longbow the average damage with bow was ~42 with 3 points in bows whereas ~85 damage with javelins with 15 points in thrown(4-16 for javelins).This was enough to dumbfound me.I started to think that "so my decision to choose a thrown was wrong" i used editor to increase my bows for research work(to 15).I killed the undead appeared in the place where you learn steel skin just like hraithe lord singleton style to do a lot of bow/throw damage safely.Eventually the observation prove that even after taking the bows to same level i was doing ~10 more with javelins of lowest quality.

But the things does not end here.I am aiming to discuss the damage done by multiplier just in case of ceremonial long bow.The challenge it gave to javelins once against remind me about the mysterious bonuses with ceremonial longbow.

Actually when i got elviary bow it was(+1 to sharpshooter,14-42)whereas ceremonial long bow was 15-45 with no stats buffs.Clearly elviary bow was a better choice.But i was amazed to see that ceremonial long bow was doing so much damage in comparison to elviary bow(kill mindwrap chitrach)that it was noticeable without pen and paper.Now i have started to beleive that ceremonial long bow gives some hidden bonus.I have checked this in all the saved files i have,if you have any saved file where you can check the mysterious damage by ceremonial long bow please compare it with other distant weapons and let me know that am i right.





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Gremlins and everything else on rabids are gone.



Wow look like Abhishek has granted an unwritten permission from everyone for multiposting on this topic for few days.Soon after crossing tranquility(most difficult area for him) he will ask everyone to rate this topic to increase his courage

*5 minutes demonic laughter*

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24 hours passed,any luck in research?




No,no dont rate it now,I know i can take it to more stars so wait till you dont see my full effort.Fun is just started and the actual show time is waiting in tranquility and melchonian keep.It will be injustice if you rate it now first let me make my full effort


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They were rating it to one star when i was sure that i can take it to four or five thats why i asked everyone to wait till i dont reach the areas where the actual showdown will happen.


Slith horror:no no no.I am trying to play the game without dying,is not it true that it will be a case of suicide cry.



Monster in the pit...What are you talking about,pit crawler?No,wait,i have not even entered in rat ambush.



Task done.

Rapids.(solution:fire gremlin-play like Dorikas)


The crypt ritual(solution:hraithe lord lone hero style)


Dellinger claim(sol:killing flithy miners one by one doesnt make area hostile,when all are dead,charge dellinger.


Gelmax first encounter





If Slarty is not replying probably he has no save file for research or he is busy in something else so anyone else should try this,most probably you.

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Slith Horror, after you clear the area, has a real easy solution to attack from farthest place that will hit it with an area effect spell's edge. The Slith Horror will just stay there until dead even though you will use a energy potion to cast the spell enough times.


The others are really hard on the upper level of Khora-Vysss. Control foe helps against the Slith Chief by making him attack one of his own while you wear him down.


I was hoping Slarty would answer because somewhere in here is his analysis of the different bows. I'll take a look since I doubt the search function will pull up the correct topic.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I'll take a look since I doubt the search function will pull up the correct topic.


Slarty is best but if he is not responding then what can we do.Please Slarty if you are listening we need your help.Where are you????????
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Okay, I found one long topic discussing bow. The best calculations on bow damage comparisons are:


Student of Trinity's


Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
With its 4-sided dice, Heartstriker will do an average (Dex + Bows + Sharpshooter)/2 extra damage, compared to the 3-sided die Eliavri's bow. Its 8 base dice average 20 points.


If you include its +3 Bows as +3 base dice, Eliavri's base damage is 17 3-sided, averaging 34. So before counting the stats the player has without equipping either weapon, Eliavri has an advantage of 14 points. Once you start counting in the bigger extra dice for all those stats, Heartstriker begins to gain.


So the question is only whether your total of Dex, Bows, and Sharpshooter is greater than 28. If it is, Heartstriker should be your better weapon. A dedicated archer by the end of the game should certainly be in this territory. A less dedicated archer might well not be.



If the CL has only 15 base dice, then Eliavri beats it because its +3 bows really gives it 17 dice. The only reason to have a bow that adds bow skill, instead of just having more base damage dice, is to boost Battle Disciplines as well.


Originally Posted By: Slarty

Actually, Quick Action is much weaker than it was in previous games. Without a hysterical skill point investment it's difficult to get it very far above a 25% activation rate, and that won't happen until later in the game anyway.


Here's the math, to make things clearer.


With a long bow, each point to Bows/Sharpshooter/Dex adds an average of 2 damage (1d3). Against enemies with some armor (very common) it adds maybe 1.5 damage on average.


With a halberd and 10 points in Quick Action, each point to Poles/Blademaster/Str adds an average of 3.13 damage per turn (1d4 x 1.25). Against armored enemies it's about 2.35 damage.


With the flaming sword and 10 points in Quick Action, each point to Melee/Blademaster/Str adds an average of 2.5 damage per turn (1d3 x 1.25) against anything not resistant to fire (which is most things).


For comparison, pumping magic stats adds an average of 2 damage per point to Bolt of Fire, and 3 damage per point to Divine Fire and Fireblast.


The other thing to note about the melee attacks is that, with the new AP system, it's easy to lose out on Hasted attacks if you have to move first. When fighting enemies that have high HP and don't move around much, or who swarm your melee fighter, you'll get the full average given above. But when fighting enemies who move around a lot, or weaker enemies who are spread out, you'll occasionally miss out on an entire melee attack. Usually this is not a huge deal -- you can always switch to your backup bow attack when it happens -- but it does make archery more efficient in some of the minor (random-style) battles when you're exploring, and it's exceedingly annoying against a couple of bosses (the guy in the lower right corner of the nephil test comes to mind).

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It was helpful.

Any one who compared javelins.This is the thing with which i am playing.I am sure that razordisc and fine lance are better than heartstriker but i want comparison of ceremonial longbow,heartstriker,javelins,steel javelins.Decide the rank.

I make the experiment but i will tell about it only when someone post some info himself.Also i have maked a rough calculation and after that i dont found any more saved game for more observations.



I am not disturbing everyone without reason i said i am somewhat sure that ceremonial longbow has hidden bonus .They are just discussing mathematics and not observations.




My search is returning result with my own post.How are you searching man?

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As I thought,Lysstak was an easy foe.

If someone wants details,I can happily give it,if no,I completed the fight without any char's death.I used an assault elixir and a crystal.

I dont think that anyone will need any more details.If you want,I will describe the battle.



I have also completed kidnapper slith and Gelmax 2nd encounter.

But bats near pool were a big pain without terror.





Next is Khora Vyss lower l and then pit crawler.





Skills:Mage and priest are investing in magery archer in sharpshooter warrior has unlocked parry.I have invested one point in endurance gaining 8 HP.What can I do,survival was really hard.

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Originally Posted By: Abhishek
As I thought,Lysstak was an easy foe.
If someone wants details,I can happily give it,if no,I completed the fight without any char's death.I used an assault elixir and a crystal.
I dont think that anyone will need any more details.If you want,I will describe the battle.

I have also completed kidnapper slith and Gelmax 2nd encounter.
But bats near pool were a big pain without terror.

Next is Khora Vyss lower l and then pit crawler.

Skills:Mage and priest are investing in magery archer in sharpshooter warrior has unlocked parry.I have invested one point in endurance gaining 8 HP.What can I do,survival was really hard.

Lysstak just required hitting and spellcasters healing ppls or using health potions.

Khora-Vyss lower is bit pia due that switch hunting and those lizard's being sometimes that kinda place where they can hit fighters who are busy with other lizard's and spellcasters can't either shoot them.

Slith Horror and upper Khora-Vyss is basically suicide-mission with too low level party.

I thought you wre further since you were talking about Melanchion's Keep but you aren't.
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I past burning fungus with lot of terror spell and proceed my way to Khora Vysss I killed the four sliths and reach the area where slith chief was waiting (in the path of Khora Vyss,in central map to south is KV and west is portal to radiant soulblade )for me with 3 minions.My warrior joined the frontline with bladeshield.Then my thrown prepared a leg sweep against chief and then I send my mage to frontline to cast daze.He was hiding behind warrior but he managed to daze only one savage slith.He paid for his mistake with his life.The chief was busy with warrior but the savage slith killed my mage before he can move.My priest run away as far as he can go so that he can cast smite safely.Savage slith reached my thrown,he prepared a leg sweep but this does not worked.The first slith take my thrown to 10 health but thrower parry the attack of 2nd slith when i was thinking that it is the time to run away with priest.I fight with all i have with smite,healing potion, thrower and warrior.

Finally i killed the three minions and my thrower died...



Slith chief was in good condition with about 200 health,my warrior at full health(57) and priest at half health(25).

Now slith chief reached my both char and broke the pot,warrior was charmed,priest managed to overcome charm.The battle seems to be lost because priest had no invulnerability potion in his inventory,he was ready with unshackle mind but at this point i changed my mind.Priest cast smite to bring chief at 130 and accepted his death.Now only warrior was alive.Round passed quickly as there was no one from my side.Gradually, Warrior gained his control over his mind and he take the bladeshield and slowly make the fight and eventually i was victorious...Once I thought that my mission is ended here.



L Khora Vyss is done(9 trips to pool cry)

I killed temple defender in upper level by four armor elixir.Then i come down.Everything excluding pit crawler is done.I am wandering in tranquility and the only quest i have done there is Dionico,s eastern tower.

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Here is my Anama singleton. Someday I should finish this game. I made it through the Vahnatai Lands into Melanchion's Keep, but I still have to go back and kill Gladwell and do the Pit of Abominations.


I did the Sentinel Workshop as an Anama by killing only enough sentinels to slip past into the Anama Lands. If you take your time you can elude the patrols and just fight the ones at the road where you leave Tranquility. You really need the fire area attack as an Anama.

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I was extremely surprised by Randomizer's post.He did the same what I do.Here all I can add is that you should take an adrenaline rush discipline for your warrior so that it he can reach there quickly when the sentinal are away from door because you can get a message like a nearby foe is not letting you to close the door.Thus to reach safely you can use it.

When I said"i will do it later",I was intrested in withstand the fight with three char so that i can kill some golem for xp.




Fight against ogre boss was easily the best fight i ever fought after being an avernite.Why so??????

Because my mage and thrown were dead before they can move and i was totally surrounded by ogres with my two minor summon and still i not only killed them all but i also killed their boss.Battle last after about 40 rounds and thanks to mage whose haste effect last very long time.




Tranquility is still the most difficult place for me.The factory upper level gave me 7 trips to town tired when i killed the unstable servant by making them hostile myself.I cant stress how difficult the fight against the 4 sentinal in SE corner was.I was augmented,steel skin,ES,blessed,full party haste still i need two trips to town to kill the two sentinals and one after killing the last two.It was so horrible that i had no courage remaining to go downstairs.I am going to play the game

now but it is my toughest fight because this is the only part of the game where i dont know any tricks.If you know one,please tell me.I am waiting

If i crossed tranquility,i will pass the dorikas fortress

(90% sure)




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