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Taygen hero or villian [SPOILERS][G5]

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Conceivably that makes him a hero, but it doesn't make him less of a villain.


Though for what it's worth, in this case creations really are trying to overthrow Shaper civilization, so Taygen has that much excuse. If Ghaldring could make a virus that would exterminate Shapers, he'd do it before you could say Ssss; and if he needed to experiment on a lot of Shapers to do it, that would be so much the better.

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Originally Posted By: Burning Pleasures
I dunno. Given Jeff's reasons for taking demon-summoning spells out of his games, I have a hard time believing he'd intentionally put a Hitler comparison in there.

There's a not insignificant overlap between parents who would freak out about their kids summoning demons and parents who would be OK with their kids working for Hitler.
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Jeff hasn't said outright that Taygen is a Hitler stand-in, but he has mentioned that he deliberately made one faction absolutely, inarguably, and distastefully evil. Taygen fits the bill perfectly.


Taygen is indeed clearly a gifted, or at least driven, researcher, but it's not clear that he is uniquely talented except in his willingness to torture and murder in order to gather data. Compare his work to Nazi medical research and the same ethical issues should apply, especially if Astoria's moderates or the rebels come out on top. Is it okay to use such tainted data? Can it even be trusted?


—Alorael, who is going to go with "Taygen is a dangerous lunatic" in the end. His brilliance is arguable; just because he did something first doesn't mean he did something no one else could do. It's quite clear, though, that he did something no one with a shred of moral scruples would do. He's not a great scientist, he's a rabid lunatic.

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Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin
but he should get a prize or something because he figured out how to create viruses/bacteria.

If you're trying to say he INVENTED viruses/bacteria, then read the following paragraph. If you weren't trying to say that, please disregard the following paragraph.

Actually, you're giving him a bit too much credit there for inventing viruses/bacteria. In the ending with Taygen, if you've used a lot of canisters, it says the Purity Agent gives the PC symptons like influenza. It even mentions influenza by name. So, there were viruses and-we can assume-bacteria before Taygen created the Purity Agent.
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One way or another, Taygen engineers the first artificial disease in the Geneforge universe, at least as far as we know.


—Alorael, who has decided it fails the critical litmus test: would you put creation of a plague specifically designed for genocidal purposes on your resumé? Didn't think so.

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Originally Posted By: Alorael
One way or another, Taygen engineers the first artificial disease in the Geneforge universe, at least as far as we know.

In G3, someone is sick with a disease known as Burrowing Mold. It was accidentally created by the Shapers. Taygen is possibly the first to intentionally create a disease, though.

(And if he lives at the end of the game, then he's probably the first to shape a disease and survive, given that the creator of Burrowing Mold was promptly executed.)

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba

In G3, someone is sick with a disease known as Burrowing Mold. It was accidentally created by the Shapers. Taygen is possibly the first to intentionally create a disease, though.

The first since before G1, anyway. The proto-Shapers on Sucia created diseases all the time.
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I'd be more impressed if he accomplished something other than targeted, weaponized disease. The targeting is useful, at least. The lethal part? Really not good Shaper PR.


—Alorael, who can see all kinds of useful potential for tamed diseases. Of course, he also has a real, non-magical understanding of genetics, viruses, and how to use the latter as vectors to tweak the former. The Shapes are close, though.

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