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G2: Where to sell as a Servant?


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I decided right from the start to become a Servant on my first play-through in Geneforge 2. It started out alright, but now I've hit a rather annoying wall as far as selling loot goes.


I've visited 4 towns so far (Triola, Gheth, Medab and Drypeak) and the only town whose merchants want to trade with me is Drypeak. Since Drypeak only had around 3500 gold combined on all its merchants I've been unable to sell any loot since near the start of the game.


I can't even sell Shaper Equipment to the merchant in Medab since after shutting down the power core and killing Tuldaric I've become 'kill on sight' in Medab.


I really doubt I'll have much luck with the Takers either.



This is a bit of a stumbling block, as I've been unable to buy any skill or spell since near the start of the game.


I'm wondering, am I being punished rather brutally for choosing a faction so early on, or is there anywhere I can sell my loot to, now that Drypeak has ... well... run dry?




If not, then this will have ruined the game for me and I'll have to start it all over again, which isn't very fun considering I'm almost halfway through. frown


If anyone knows of a place where I can sell my loot to, then please tell me.

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Finding people who actually have money to sell your loot to is a pain throughout the game, even if you haven't joined a faction. You can actually leave a faction after joining it, which might make people more willing to trade with you.


A tip: never sell gemstones at ordinary shops. There's a guy who buys them at slightly below market price, saving the shopkeepers' money for other stuff.


Oh, and if skills and spells are a problem for you, there's always canisters. Using a lot of them will affect the ending, but the effect isn't too severe.

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There are merchants in rising and gheth unless you have attacked or destroyed something of theirs before. As you joined the servants the takers will be hostile. Leaned Darian ( Darian's Sanctuary),Radiant College,braan(the crags),lindian(march crossroads) and shath(shaths watses) will buy things as well.

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Sorry, but i don't have any good news for you. The standard advice is wait until further along in the game [perhaps Zhass-Uss?] before committing to a faction.


However, you might be able to swing over to the Barzite faction if you haven't damaged the Radiant College. To do this you will need Leadership of 10 or a generally anti-servile opinion. To change their opinion of you either go back to all major NPCs you've met and talk down about serviles, or use the 'ihateserviles' cheat code.


Oh, wait there are a few minor shopkeepers nearby - Braan in the Crags will open his shop [720$] if you bring back his servile from the Crystal Cavern, and Lindian in the Marsh Crossroads has 850$.


Edit: i see two of you jumped in with replies while i was still composing mine. You guys are fast!


At risk of starting some sort of flame war, dealing with loot really makes Avernum shine over Geneforge. Not only does Geneforge have arbitrary limitations on the selling of loot, but you are limited to taking out what a single person can carry. You would think that Shapers could come up with some sort of packmule type creation...

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Originally Posted By: Doctor J
At risk of starting some sort of flame war, dealing with loot really makes Avernum shine over Geneforge. Not only does Geneforge have arbitrary limitations on the selling of loot, but you are limited to taking out what a single person can carry.

Later games do improve on this aspect, but yes, it can be annoying. Especially once half your inventory is filled by lugging around charms.

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In my opinion, G1 is the only Geneforge game where a money limitation makes sense. It's an isolated island in the middle of nowhere, and nobody seems to have any ambition to mint new coins.

Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Later games do improve on this aspect, but yes, it can be annoying. Especially once half your inventory is filled by lugging around charms.
That's why you set up a few caches.
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Except for Gheth, all of the suggested places panned out. I've now been able to sell enough loot to pay for some new healing/curing spells, which makes the game a lot more enjoyable for me again (I am a Shaper).


I still can't purchase everything there is, but thanks to you guys I've now got everything I truly need.


I'll be much more careful with my money, right from the start, in future Geneforge games. I'll also take your advice from now on and never join a faction until I've done just about everything else there is to do in the games. :]



Thanks again everyone. I'm loving the game again.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Dikiyoba is fairly sure the shops in G3 have infinite money as well, though Dikiyoba could be misremembering.

Dikiyoba is correct. smile

In Geneforge 3 the interface has changed quite a bit.

When you go to a store in G3 your inventory screen opens up and you get these little coin icons you can click on to sell your items. The store has an infinite amount of gold, but you can't purchase anything back after you've sold it.
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