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Orb of Tharlni (Spoilers)

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The answer comes with time. After a certain number of days the quartermaster won't be so smug. Then you can get it and plenty of loot.


In fact it will be too much for you to carry it all away so leave plenty of empty inventory slots and weight in encumberance. Don't forget to save in different files so you can go back and redo it if you don't like what you take.

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Time or quests. I believe if you finish off the roaches on Bigail you also trigger the events that let you get the Orb.


—Alorael, who is always a bit surprised that something as important as the Orb of Thralni is sitting in a warehouse. You'd think it would either go with the first surface explorers or it would be down in Avernum for important projects like tower maintenance.

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Originally Posted By: Nikki.
No, you can't start flying whilst you're still flying,

Yo dawg I herd you like flying so I put an orb in your orb so you can fly while you fly.

—Alorael, who also issues a sincere and soulful apology to all of Spiderweb. This post was unnecessary and untoward.
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Here's a thought: the Orb of Thralni being such a powerful artifact, shouldn't a skilled wizard be able to extract other magicks from it than levitation? Shouldn't it really be kept in the Tower of Magi until somebody has found out a better way to use it than floating around? There are bridges in Avernum, you sass!

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That would make sense, but now recall the sticky politics between the Tower of Magi, the King, and (especially) the Council. Given that it is given to the Castle shortly after Erika precipitated the Empire War, it's not surprising they didn't want to give it to the mages.

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The dark times of early Avernum called for eccentric, powerful people to run the tower. I bet by A5, the Linda's and Erika's of the caves have been replaced by more reasonable, more boring wizards, as there are no threats to be dealt with in creative and dangerous ways. I don't think the Orb would be used to summon demons anymore. Brokers, perhaps.

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Originally Posted By: Rent-an-Ihrno
don't think the Orb would be used to summon demons anymore. Brokers, perhaps.

No need to summon since they seem to appear to avernum w/o summoning.

linda is 1 of those few chars who we met at least 2 games since usually most of chars from prev game have been replaced. i played a3 first and then a1 and a2 and knowing "future" it wasn't easy to resist not to kill her even knowing its useless.
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