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Luck based events?[G5]


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It's luck. Obviously it'll let you get the good drops tongue


On a more serious note, I said that supported by the fact that I had invested three points in Luck, and got two Fyora Cloaks from the ones outside of Minallah (the ones that respawn). Also, the Cryoa's in the southern road drop two Gemstones, somthing I never remember them droping in any previous run through.


The Last Archon

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No, Luck really doesn't have ANY effect on item drops.


I was originally one of the people arguing that Luck did affect drops. It made more sense to me. However, after numerous empirical tests, completed by various people here, we can be pretty certain Luck does not affect drops anymore.


Most of the tests were done with Avernum 4, so we can be 100% sure about that game. The same extensive testing has not been done with A5, G4 or G5. However, given all the other engine similarities, it is likely the same system is used. Moreover, while some testing has been done and people continue to report anecdotes about dropped items, nothing has been seen that suggests this conclusion is erroneous.


Reports like yours, Acky, are inevitable regardless of Luck's effect, given the large random factor in item drops. People post when something seems exciting, not when it seems boring. For everyone who raises their luck 5 points and gets a bunch of item drops, there are a lot more users who raise their luck 5 points and get nothing. Only the first group is likely to post about it, though.


Edit: Or, you know, somebody could email Jeff. In the past he's been more than happy to answer simple questions that don't require digging through code. "Does Luck have any effect on item drops in G5?" probably qualifies.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
GF5 doesn't seem to have luck affected item drops. I know I repeatedly tried to get a thahd skin tunic in Isenwood's Spire with no change.

Luck does increase armor and resistances. I never checked to hits.

Monster drops are rare and unreliable. Killing the serviles in the North corner of Below Nodye Pass however, guarantees a Thahdskin Tunic.7
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From what people said, it is quite clear Jeff no longer ties what you get in item drops to luck. In Exile, Luck did indeed have a pretty dramatic affect on the loot you got. I'm not exactly sure where the switchover occurred.


One possible effect of luck is lifesaver. In GF 4, I did notice an unusual number of times I was attacked and ended up with 1 HP. I have not done rigorous tests, so this may have been random chance. Otherwise, luck seems to have a minimal impact on resistances.

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Originally Posted By: Doom Warrior
For some reason, I highly doubt this. And I have already before shot my luck (along with my other stats) far into the hundreds.

O.o How do you get your stats into the hundreds? Mine only go up to 30 (some allow me to raise them to 31, but others wont go above 30. I have no idea why some like being 30 and some like being 31)
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