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Best Singleton choice[G5]


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(I'm no expert with Singleton characters, so this is a bit beyond me)


I want to do a hardcore Trakovite playthrough (on Torment). That is, I would like do the Trakovite questine and not shape any creations. Nothing. I'll post updates as I go. But before I do that, I would like to ask for your advice: Which character would be the best singleton? Magic is still allowed.


The Last Archon

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You can also do it as a warrior, but it will be harder. The advantage to a servile or warrior is increased strength for heavier armor will help against stun attacks.


Thuryl is right that mental magic is very important.


Make sure you have both a decent melee and missle attack since some zones are easier for one attack over the other. I found some zones were easier for spells and others like Lerman's Pass went better with physical attacks and spells to buff.

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The choice is a fairly obvious one: since you don't get any use out of creations, you want that to be your weakest skill. That leaves the classes Thuryl named (and the Agent, which is strictly worse than the Infiltrator). Choose by the strategy you prefer.


—Alorael, who finds magic easier to play than combat. That said, he thinks the consensus is that the Servile is slightly better.

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In G5, the Servile is probably a better choice, because there are more opportunities to boost magic skills to acceptable levels. If you are not playing a _strict_ singleton the Infiltrator has the advantage of more essence for the occasional disposable creation. Even then, in G5 (as opposed to G4) the Servile probably has the advantage.

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It would probably be a easier to play an Infiltrator, once you get your tactics tuned, but a Servile might be a bit more fun, because you wouldn't have to be so fussy with the tactics. The only real difference would probably be that the servile would substitute melee skills for battle magic. But the sort of hit-and-run tactics that magic attacks demand can be as tedious as they are effective.


There is also a horrid spectre thing in the Disposal Vault that kept one-shotting my Agent, who had otherwise had no real trouble in the entire game. She just didn't have enough health or acid resistance. The Eye in Lerman's Pass was also too tough for her until she made a few disposable Alphas, because it resisted all her magic. If you build a bit differently you might be fine at these points, but I still think Serviles are going to be a bit more forgiving. Fewer really easy fights, but fewer nasty surprises where you have to save-load a whole zone.

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Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
There is also a horrid spectre thing in the Disposal Vault that kept one-shotting my Agent, who had otherwise had no real trouble in the entire game. She just didn't have enough health or acid resistance.

Two horrid spectre things, in fact. They're intensely annoying, and some character builds will just not be able to get past them without some very cheap tactics.
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The Pairbound Constructs in the Disposal Vault really are best destroyed using magical attacks. A fighter with spell ability from items can do it using battle magic tactics, but it is less effective and takes longer.


I found that eyebeasts are more easily destroyed by fighters.

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Yeah, a sorceress can use some creations. But an infiltrator is an army of one. One that does a lot of running.


Seriously, I have almost always played a singleton Agent or Infiltrator on my first run through a new Geneforge game, because I don't want the hassle of having to move a lot of creations around while I am still figuring out where everything is, but since everything's still new, I don't mind having to do things slowly and carefully. It's actually pretty easy. Once you know a few tactics and build principles, you're basically invincible.

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Serviles would be an easy choice.


I have a Servile with no canisters, minimal magic, no shaping and no ranged weaponry (batons, javs, crystals etc.) on Torment with only a single point invested into Endurance, 2 into Luck, several into Leadership & Mechanics, and all the rest into Strength / Melee weapons.


The problems however, are endless. Your damage threshold will be horrible from mid game on. Early game, you'll do obscene damage with 10 Melee Weapons and 10 QA & Frozen Blade. However, the damage scales so poorly with levels that I want to cry (A lone Wingbolt easily has a higher damage threshold than you). Also, playing with such low magic, Daze is useless, and with no Parry and very low HP, crowd control is nigh impossible.


However, there is no reason to play a foolish, extremist, powermonger build. Investing heavily into Mental Magic, Endurance and knowing how to abuse combat mode will allow a breeze of a playthrough.

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Originally Posted By: Desmarestia
Originally Posted By: Violet
However, there is no reason to play a foolish, extremist, powermonger build.

Yes there is. It's fun. What kind of roleplaying game would Geneforge be if it didn't allow you to roleplay a foolish extremist powermonger?

And that just made my day.
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