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Shaper/rebel character - does it matter?[G5]


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So, just starting it up...


And here I'm at the crossroads, does it affect the game in any way if you take a Rebel or a Shaper character class? Significant differences, just dialogue, nothing at all?




Also, I've noticed that Guardians get a disproportionately higher starting amount of essence. Is it intended that way, or what's the catch?

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I believe its intended that Guardians have a high esscence starts. Its so that they aren't as identical as Warriors.


Not really, except for a few minor stat adjustments. However, if you play a Servile, you'll get some special dialog choices and people will respond to you differently(If you think Rawal is an ass when your a shaped human, just see how much of an ass he is when you are a shaped creation.)


The Last Archon

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Yes, it can safely be considered a bug.


And no, magic hasn't been toned down. *Haste* has been toned down significantly, but some other neat buffs have been added or strengthened. Mental magic remains extremely strong despite a few minor tweaks, and battle and healing spells are unchanged I believe.

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  • 1 month later...

Well i like to play as a shaper when i work for shapers and a rebels character when i work for the rebels.

And i like to play as hooded characters like Shapers and serviles plus i like the dialog changes for serviles


does anyone think that it would be awkward if you played a servile and joined the crazy shaper from the Dera reaches (i don't remember his name)

Maybe you cant even join him as a servile but i'm still going to try and maybe you die in the end (fighting for something and then getting killed by it is awkward as well.

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Originally Posted By: Swampshedding in Broad Daylight
Who's we? Speak for yourself. The evidence suggests quite clearly that the higher essence start is an accident stemming from the fact that Guardians were NPCs and not PCs in G4, and that in the same game Jeff gave them the ability to shape mid-combat.


*goes to look for the secret button that allows us to*

Edit: Hey! We still can't shape mid-combat. You lied! >:(
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Originally Posted By: shaper_medej
Maybe you cant even join him as a servile but i'm still going to try and maybe you die in the end (fighting for something and then getting killed by it is awkward as well.

Dikiyoba is pretty sure Dikiyoba remembers someone saying that you've been Shaped so extensively that you survive.
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