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Whom do you support?


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I've finished G4 and I've got to say, it was extremly fun. A great story and plot(better than Avernum's, really), easy interface, fun quests. I also really like the moral questions that came up. I'm diffently going to buy another Geneforge game. So this is a pretty generic question; do you support the Trakovites, Rebals, or Shapers?


As for me, I'm refusing to vote because I haven't seen the whole story. Yet.

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Reasons for being: I'd rather be forced to live in a free world full of monsters than a safe, enslaved world. This war is the Shapers fault in the first place, because of there greed and ignorance. The trakovites are even worse: they want to refuse advancment in society just because they had a bad run in.


The Last Archon

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan

Reasons for being: I'd rather be forced to live in a free world full of monsters than a safe, enslaved world. This war is the Shapers fault in the first place, because of there greed and ignorance. The trakovites are even worse: they want to refuse advancment in society just because they had a bad run in.

The Last Archon

He who would give up a little freedom for temporary safety deserves neither freedom, nor safety, eh?

I support the Awakened, as always.
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I went for the Trakovites on the basis that both the Shapers and the Rebels were doing highly unpleasant things for what they considered the greater good. However, I never got the chance to see the ending, because I didn't get powerful enough to survive the final battle. (Halfway through the game, I went through a little rebellion of my own and stopped committing cruelty to pixelated images. Naturally, I also stopped gaining experience and loot.)

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Shapers because theyre right if the power of shaping isnt controlled it would mean chaos it would be like makeing murder legal and going into a city and giving everyone a machine gun and telling em to go nuts


the travokites are half right because shaping is bad but it is immpossible to destroy everything about shaping it is ancient their would be bound to be a book or tablet or watever left and if someone finds it and learns to shape even a fyora they could make an army of rouges like monarch did and no-one could stop them because they could make new creations where as everyone else only has so many soldiers

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