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Non english keyboard


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Can you configure the keyboard input to act like a standard Apple keyboard? Before that, I suppose it would be helpful to know what keyboard you have. Who's the manufacturer and what particular flavor of non-English is it?


—Alorael, who otherwise can only suggest emailing Jeff. He may know how to configure it right, or it may be something he could release in a future patch without too much trouble.

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Am I alone to have such problem? My keyboard is quite standard that's one of those "new" apple keyboard that are very flat.


The problem is that the game recognize the keys as if it was a US keyboard. Mine is French but there are many sort of keyboard that aren't the standard US keyboard.

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I assume you have the system software set up for that keyboard (in the keyboards menu, the one with the little flag)?


Does it not read keyboard input at all, or is it just the keys that are different, that don't work? Presumably the arrow keys and number pad are in the same places on your keyboard?

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It just interprets keys as if my keyboard was US, a relatively common bug but more rare on a final version. It hasn't been tested with a non qwerty keyboard otherwise it's quite obvious and unpleasant.

here qn exa;ple of zhqt I getM

here an example of what I get. (the line above)


Quite tedious when you save the game.

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Again, letting Jeff know that overriding the keyboard layout irritates his fans can't hurt. You won't get any fix in the short term, but in the long run you could contribute to it being fixed in future releases.


—Alorael, who can only wonder why Jeff decided to get rid of the old file-based save system in favor of the new slot system. The save files are absurdly bloated and consequently saving is slow, and apparently not using the standard OS X save system means he can override keyboards. It seems unnecessary and unhelpful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With a German keyboard the only real problem is y and z being swapped, and since they're relatively uncommon, I just cope. The French keyboard is more of an issue, since q and a get swapped.


Obviously it would be nice if Jeff just fixed this somehow, but failing that one could think about other approaches. Unfortunately I don't know any really good ones. You can remap your keyboard and swap keyboard mappings with a hotkey quite nicely in OS X, using the free Ukelele app. But I haven't found any way to make the keyboard change automatically when you focus on a particular app, and change back when you focus on something else. I've been looking for such a method for a couple of years now, so I can turn my umlauts into various brackets while using Mathematica, without having to remember to hit the hotkey.

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In fact there's much more swap in a French keyboard, like around, ". ; : m $" and more that's quite a garbage.


I wonder why the standard save dialog has been abandoned. There will be no keyboard problem with such stuff and the custom save with limited number of save is tedious.


Well there are the shortcuts too but that's different, for the few I could use it's anyway a new learning dedicated to the game.


For the keyboard mapping that's exactly where is the game problem, to use physical key codes instead of those corresponding to the mapping.

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