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Riposte and Parry


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Is anyone aware if Riposte and Parry are two seperate chances, or if one has to Parry a blow before there is a chance to Riposte it.


Also curious if there is a cap to Riposte, and if it is just a flat 3% chance per level. Curious to the amount of damage reflected. Is it a percentage? A flat amount? Does it increase with level?

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Actually, we are pretty unsure how Riposte and Parry interact. Thuryl and I attempted to test this a year or two ago and got pretty inconclusive results. Riposte damage I believe is an approximate percent of the original attack's power and has nothing to do with Riposte skill.

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There are two problems with Riposte:


1) High prerequisites (although both of the prerequisites are useful skills in themselves)

2) Only effective against melee attacks.


It's still a decent defensive skill, but actually investing skill points in it should wait until at least after Muck, when your fighter has more skill points than he knows what to do with.

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Was mainly thinking of instances of doing a Duo/Trio. Skillpoints are a little more freely available at that point, especially with Muck.


And yes, the melee only is a problem but I usually have the fighter run in and grab aggro. The less hits he takes, the less he needs to be healed, which means the more the mage/priest can layeth the aoe smackdown.

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The cap is 36% for ranged, 50% for melee, according to another topic. Riposte gets +1% per point, parry gets +3%. The same topic figured that riposte is checked first. (I think they also concluded that there were some irregularities in the way the information was displayed--for instance, I seem to recall that a riposte is displayed as a parry if it doesn't do any damage.)

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Originally Posted By: feo takahari
The cap is 36% for ranged, 50% for melee, according to another topic. Riposte gets +1% per point, parry gets +3%. The same topic figured that riposte is checked first. (I think they also concluded that there were some irregularities in the way the information was displayed--for instance, I seem to recall that a riposte is displayed as a parry if it doesn't do any damage.)

Wait, what? This is all wrong.

Parry and Riposte are both 3% per point for melee, and Parry is also 2% per point for missiles and single-target spells. The cap is 50% in all cases, although it's very unlikely that you'll actually be able to hit the cap for anything except Parry and melee attacks.
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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
Originally Posted By: feo takahari
The cap is 36% for ranged, 50% for melee, according to another topic. Riposte gets +1% per point, parry gets +3%. The same topic figured that riposte is checked first. (I think they also concluded that there were some irregularities in the way the information was displayed--for instance, I seem to recall that a riposte is displayed as a parry if it doesn't do any damage.)

Wait, what? This is all wrong.

Parry and Riposte are both 3% per point for melee, and Parry is also 2% per point for missiles and single-target spells. The cap is 50% in all cases, although it's very unlikely that you'll actually be able to hit the cap for anything except Parry and melee attacks.

Hmm . . . Where did I get this from, anyways? It was written in the style typically used by topics Strategy Central links to, but I'm not sure it was actually linked to from there.
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