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“I have to know certain things...enough to make a decision...but maybe not everything. A part of me has to be able to walk away, disappear. I have to be able to say to myself, what was isn’t any longer, and there’s a possibility that it never was because I have no memory of it. What a person can’t remember didn’t exist...for him.” He turned back to her. “What I’m trying to tell you is that maybe it’s better this way.”


The Bourne Identity, Robert Ludlum



Just an interesting parallel I noticed while reading the book for the first time.

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Amnesia in fiction is a well-worn trope, although I'm actually not at all sure where or even around when it began. In this case I suspect Jeff was channeling Planescape: Torment, which he has previously called one of his favorite games and which certainly has influenced his approach to morality in Geneforge.


—Alorael, also doesn't quite see how it applies to G5. Your PC's past is a blank slate and you get to begin the game with a tabula rasa just like every Spiderweb game.

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Originally Posted By: Invisible until in motion
Your PC's past is a blank slate and you get to begin the game with a tabula rasa just like every Spiderweb game.

In most of Jeff's games, your affiliation is clearly defined at the outset. G5 is different in that your allegiance is to yourself until you decide what your motives are.

There are many similarities between Bourne/Webb and the G5 protagonist, but you're right; amnesia as a plot device is pretty common. And I suppose I should feel ashamed for comparing a classic like The Bourne Identity to an RPG.
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I think the movies are fantastic. I've read lots of Ludlum, just not these, so I can't compare. I've heard/read that the movies are quite different from the books. Matt Damon is a great and subtle hero. It's scripted such that you don't get those standard one-liner hero quotes so prevalent in popular action flicks since the Eastwood days or the Schwarzenegger days. No "Make my day" or "I'll be back" or other tripe. (I will say I like all that *tripe* also. I'm an easy action/adventure audience.) The Bourne movies are moody and subtle. Damon is perfect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the amnesia is particularly effective in G5. It helps to justify how you can easily awaken and train powers without having to use canisters for everything. More importantly it does provide a truly neutral starting point, as someone noted. One of the things I didn't like about G4's character origin was that it didn't make sense (to me, anyway) that a new rebel recruit would start off spouting Shaper philosophy, but that's what you had to do if you wanted a certain reputation.

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Originally Posted By: Justin Dagna
One of the things I didn't like about G4's character origin was that it didn't make sense (to me, anyway) that a new rebel recruit would start off spouting Shaper philosophy, but that's what you had to do if you wanted a certain reputation.

Well, if you only joined the rebels to use the Geneforge and gain power, and the Shapers are now offering you more power...
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