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Would Exile make a SWEET movie?


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Many, many times. I am of the opinion that it could make a decent action fantasy movie (kinda like LotR) if done well, but you'd have to take out most of the in-between towns wandering and a lot of the combat, too, focusing mostly on the interactions between people (meeting Erika, meeting Patrick, etc).


That said, it'll never happen.

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We've talked about this before, and to be made a movie, it would either have to be a normal-sized (1-2hr) movie that leaves out a lot of important things or a huge epic that takes three days to watch. That and someone would need to come up with a chunk of money for it. And Jeff would need to get a notion, which is a pretty insurmountable barrier right there.


But it could make a good movie.

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You'd have to take a lot out and put a lot in. Puzzles, exploration, loot gathering, and other staples of the RPG tradition make for bad movies. Random combat gets old quickly. The movie you would get out of them would have only a passing resemblance to the Exile games, although they could be set perfectly well in the Exile world.


—Alorael, who firmly believes that most good books require a lot of tweaking to become movies and most games require at least ten times that much tweaking to become movies. Whether they work as books varies from game to game.

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The movie would have to firmly stick to the storyline and main quest. Sidequests would make it take about, oh, a week or three to watch. A TV series would be OK, one of those where you have to watch every episode because there is a continuing plot. If it was a movie, there would have to be three movies, four if they think Avernum 4 should be added since they are the same plot. It might be "sweet" if they did a TON of editing.

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The design of all these Exile Stories is to be "open ended", or "serial" in nature, linking to each other.

To us, it sounds like a good idea, but I've no doubt that the Movie World is overloaded with suggestions and dying a slow death because of the Computer World.

Only occasionally does a "good" Movie come along, most are glorified TV shows.

All in all, (see above comments), it just ain't gonna happen.


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If any movie was made like that, it would probably be about Avernum. That said, Exile IS more of a classic.


By the way, can you believe someone wants to make a "Halo" movie? I just HATE that game! And what would that movie even be about? No one except a few people who think drinking Mountain Dew makes them cool would even see it.

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I think the name "Exile" works better, which is the only difference that could possibly translate to screen.


People are saying that the movie would be really long, but I disagree. You'd struggle to find stuff worth putting on screen, I think. I'd rewrite the story entirely, keeping only the setting.

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I don't think so. You'd have to take too much of the detail out. There really isn't much story in the Exile games, either, which is important for movies. It's mostly loads of fighting. Story is more important for movies than it is for games.


(I'm not trying to say that I don't like the Exile games, I'm just saying they won't make good movies.)


Some BoE scenarios might make good movies, though.

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I like the name "Exile" a lot better. It just sounds cooler. I can imagine bits of A1 in the movie though - the party comes out of the castle and head west. They rise over a hill (I know, no hills in that area... Call it poetic license.) and see Fort Remote. In ruins. All of those brave soldiers, some of them the party's good friends. They then swear an oath to hunt down the monster that committed this atrocity. Fade to black.

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I give you credit for creative double posting, but it's double posting nonetheless. Please refrain from conversing with yourself. Or if you have to, I guess you should use PMs.


—Alorael, who doesn't know what he'd think of anyone who would actually go to the effort to message himself. It would show dedication, if nothing else.

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i think that the exile series are great for a book, with some editing obviously or a tv serial and maybe then there would be a movie and jeff would be rich and will start making eveytime better games and their fans will be rewarded with free copies of his games X)(yeah right and my grandmother is a virgen)

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