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Do hit penalties for armor ever make a difference?

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Has anyone ever noticed the hit penalties from armor actually making a difference for a melee/pole fighter? I'm partway through the Great Cave in my game of AV4 (average party level 20), and between Blessed Breastplates, Vambraces, Bracers, and/or Helmets both of my fighters are around -30% or so to hit. Yet they never miss. They are parried/riposted from time to time.


So does this miss chance actually make a difference? Does your overall chance to hit affect your damage or an enemies chance to parry? I'm curious if there is a subtle effect for miss chance going on I wasn't catching...

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They do make a difference. However, if you put a lot of points into strength and the appropriate fighting skills, and use good weapons, it is pretty easy to get your base chance to hit so far above 99% (the max) that you will never notice a difference from those penalties.

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