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A4 - One more quick question.


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Originally written by kkarski:
[QB]The secret door system from AV 1-3 had a one major flaw - looking at the automap you could usually guess with ease which wall to molest for hidden content.
That was the thing that made in manageable rather than sanity-wrecking. If you couldn't find a secret room by the difference between the inside and outside volume of a building, you'd never find them.
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Originally written by Igor:
That was the thing that made in manageable rather than sanity-wrecking. If you couldn't find a secret room by the difference between the inside and outside volume of a building, you'd never find them.
I think that it would be possible to make secret passages location somewhat discernable to an observant player; there could be some clues that would point you to casting faright or something.
On the other hand, the hidden rooms' content would have to be nerfed so that the less observant(or dedicated) ones weren't too handicapped.

Anyway, my posts in this topic are just a rant that the automap took the secrecy away from secret passages and room.
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