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Avernum Saave Copy

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It depends upon whether you have a Mac where the save files save0 to save19 are found in the Avernum 4 Files folder or Windows where I think the files are saved in My Document (I don't have Windows, but that's how other games were done). Take a few minutes and look for the save0 to save19 files names and check the creation/last editted dates to find the ones for Avernum 4. These are the only files you need to copy.

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As Randomizer said, but in slightly more detail at the end: on a Mac: In the "Avernum 4 Files" folder in the "Avernum 4" folder there are folders called "Save0" and so on. Copy all 20 of them, Save0 through Save19, and replace the folders on the laptop that doesn't have the saved games you want with those save folders. They need to go back in "Avernum 4 Files" of course.


—Alorael, who is sure the process is very similar on Windows. He's also pretty sure he can't give any more detailed help than that.

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Windows probably puts saves in some other folder, then. Check "My Documents" for any Avernum 4 folders, and then look through any likely repositories.


—Alorael, who thinks it's about time for a Windows user to step in. And that's really not something he relishes saying, nor is it something he even thinks very often.

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Hmm you are all very helpfull truly. I said that i copied whole game folder and saves didn't copied. Yes in game folder in data folder i have folders Save0-Save19 so what?? i copied them with whole game folder, i copied them manualy and it's still don't work. SO PLEAS LEARN TO READ OR DON'T RESPOND IN THIS TOPIC

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If you have Win98/ME, the save games are located in c:\windows\application data\avernum 4 saved games


If you have WinXP, they are located in c:\documents and settings\<user name>\application data\avernum 4 saved games

(where <user name> is your WinXP user name)


They are very large for saved games (over 14MB), so I wish you could change their location, but I don't think you can.

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