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Sir Hazar

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Everything posted by Sir Hazar

  1. Well, at least it is clear now it's sort of port flaw. Hope Spiderweb guys fix it. Thanks everyone for answers.
  2. Originally Posted By: Avadon iPad's not a PC... Yeah, I somehow noticed. I mentioned PC version to point out what my lag is not some typical calculation but flaw of the port or some other issue. To Master1 I know you trying to help but in my original post I wrote "Avadon is the only app running." Can someone please confirm he has no such freeze in combat and has smooth transition between turns on iPad version. To begin with something.
  3. Text console says: "Starting new round." then "Now active: Name", there's freeze between this two phrases as I described. Just checked PC version - there's no such behavior, game transits between "New round' and "Now active" immediately.
  4. After each turn in combat phase game freezes for some time (one to few seconds), pretty annoying as you can imagine. Animation stops, game become unresponsive, any command given during freeze resolves after it. Not reinstall nor reboots fixed this. Avadon is the only app running. iPad 2. Any help or advice much appreciated.
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